Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
Select a nursing research article from the list below that includes a theoretical or conceptual framework and the exploration of a clinical problem. Identify the nursing research article components using the Week 5 research template.
Development of a Proactive Care Program (U-CARE) to Preserve Physical Functioning of Frail Older People in Primary Care
Emotional Work and Diversity in Clinical Placements of Nursing Students
Nurses’ Preparedness and Perceived Competence in Managing Disasters
Self-efficacy-based training for research literature appraisal
The template will be evaluated on the effectiveness of the discussion of the following components. If a component is not present in the article, its absence should be discussed.
Identify the research problem.
Identify the research purpose.
Summarize the review of literature.
Identify the nursing framework.
Identify the research questions and hypotheses.
Identify the variables.
Identify and discuss the appropriateness of the design.
Discuss the validity of the research.
Discuss the efficacy of the study. Did it resolve the question?
Discuss the legal and ethical issues of the study. Include the use of human subjects and their protection.
Describe any cultural aspects of the study.
Describe the sample.
Describe the procedures.
Summarize the results.
Describe how the results of the research may impact future nursing practice.
Apply the research to the student’s nursing practice.
Use APA format and include a copy of the article with the submission.
By Tuesday, January 26, 2016, submit your template to the W5: Assignment 2 Dropbox.