Mentor Review
There are people in our lives that play a big role on our growth and success. Most of the time, we have a mentor who influences us on our lives.
Mentor Review
There are people in our lives that play a big role on our growth and success. Most of the time, we have a mentor who influences us on our lives. These mentors are often knowledgeable and insightful, and they intend to guide and teach us on our life or chosen career. I would like to share a few mentors in my life and how they helped me achieve my success right now.
First, my family is a big part of who I am now. My parents never pressured me in choosing the career that I want. They had always reminded me that in choosing a career, I should always choose what I want to do, so that I will end up enjoying what I do and will not have regrets later on. After I have decided on pursuing nursing, I remember my mother telling me that it suits me because I am a very gentle and caring person. She never fails to motivate me. My mother will make sure I have a conducive environment to focus on my studies. My father had been a big influence on my career as well. I have seen him working hard to support my studies. He made sure I am not forced to work and provided me with the means to finish my studies. Each time there is a conflict, they made sure to support me in facing these conflicts. After I have graduated with honors, I have seen my parents full of joy and proud of me and it made me happy. They have not thought me intellectually, but they have a very big part on who I am today and what I have become.
Second, all my instructors in my nursing career helped a lot to help me achieve my goal of becoming a good nurse. Even though sometimes, we have our favorite instructors, I will forever be grateful to all of them who helped me to be a better nurse. All the knowledge that have been imparted on the classroom and lab settings have helped me in improving my knowledge and applying in in the real setting. Furthermore, all the trainings and duties as a nursing student with our clinical instructors have been memorable to me. All the teachings, hands-on procedures, and even the constructive criticisms are all part of who I became. I appreciate my instructor’s patience in teaching us. After I have became a nurse and started to train new nurses, have I fully understood the compassion and patience that my previous instructors possessed.
Third, I have been working in the Neurology Unit for almost 10 years. I will forever be grateful to my head nurse for almost 8 years before she left our unit. She has been very welcoming and supportive since the day I had my interview to start on the unit. I have seen my head nurse resolve conflicts on the unit and be considerate on everyone’s needs. She is a leader who is very approachable and who always finds time to listen to us no matter how busy we are. She is also a leader who shares her experiences and motivates us whenever there is an unpleasant situation. Even though we have an assistant head nurse, she keeps herself updated on the unit’s status and made sure to ask us everyday if our assignment is okay. Lastly, she was very family oriented. She will always ask us to make a request if we need a day off for any important family event. She would always say that the important events in our lives should not be missed. Since I am doing my continuing education, there is a possibility of becoming a leader in the future, and I would like to be a good leader like she is.
Being able to appreciate the people around us who have helped us become who we are today is a great feeling. We all owe it to the people around us who influenced us. In return, we should always aim for continuous improvement and we should always strive to be better. At one point in our lives, we will also become a mentor and we should always remember that someone’s future could depend on us. The way we influence and guide other people right now will have a big impact of what they will become in the future. We should always ensure that we express our gratitude to the people who helped us. I am proud to be a nurse and I am proud to say that I did not reach my status right now by myself. I had the right persons around me and they made me a better person.