Whole Body, Muscles/Joints and skeletal system

In: Nursing

Whole Body, Muscles/Joints and skeletal system In a well-organized, 1 – 2 page paper (225 –…



Whole Body, Muscles/Joints and skeletal system

In a well-organized, 1 – 2 page paper (225 – 450 words), chose one of the pathological conditions from this week’s reading and discuss the following areas.

• Identify your pathological condition and explain what it is.

• Discuss some of the causes, signs, and symptoms associated with the chosen condition.

• Discuss ways the condition can be diagnosed and the treatment options.

• What are some lessons learned or what did you take away from completing this research?

Please proofread your work. Points will be deducted for incorrect grammar and spelling. The paper should be written in APA format.

Joints are no different than bones and muscles when it comes to being susceptible to pathological conditions. Some of these conditions are adhesive capsulitis, arthritis, ganglion, gout, Lyme disease, and osteoarthritis. All of these conditions have treatment options, but first, a medical professional may have to use one or many diagnostic techniques to determine the next step. These techniques include, but are not limited to, arthrocentesis (needle puncture; fluid removal), arthrography (X-ray using contrast), and rheumatoid factor (blood test).

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