can you help me understand this Check your knowledge question from my textbook?

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Asked by mm_vicente

can you help me understand this Check your knowledge question from my textbook?


Match each of the following concepts with the example that illustrates it and briefly say why. Concepts: (1) object familiarity, (2) image clutter, (3) object variety, (4) variable views.

(A) Danny’s roommate Karl was performing a headstand, but Danny still recognized him. (B) Despite the jumble of tools in the drawer, she instantly saw the monkey wrench at the bottom of the pile. (C) I still haven’t learned the difference between Irish terriers and fox terriers, but of course I always know whether I’m looking at a terrier or a spaniel. (D) The first time I found one of these on an archeological expedition, I had no idea what it was:

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