Differentiate and critique the factors that influence the link between attitudes and behavior.

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Asked by PrivateExplorationSheep31

Differentiate and critique the factors that influence the link between attitudes and behavior.

Provide examples that illustrate the factors you chose.

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Asked by BarristerAlligator2856

Read and watch “Raewyn Connell on Masculinities”
Read: Pascoe, C.J “Dude, You are a Fag’: Adolescent Male Homophobia
Watch: The Mask You live in and Portrayal of Masculinity and
Femininity in the Media (Michael Duong)

Drawing on the film and the readings discuss the following in approximately 300 – 500 words:
What are some benefits to boys and men of putting on the “mask” of hegemonic/traditional  

masculinity, and when is it self-destructive and dangerous to others?

What according to you are the ways to support boys and men in rethinking and challenging more harmful codes of masculinity?

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