Growing up and maturing is precisely a process of fermentation
Reflection on each of these topics:
1. Growing up and maturing is precisely a process of fermentation
2. Essential Discipleship: The Struggle To Get Our Lives Together
2.1. Insubstantiality…the struggle for Meaning, Personal Identity Significance, and Self- Worth
2.2. Inchoate Nostalgia… to “Come Home,” to Roots, to Moral Companionship, to a Soul Mate, to Quiet, to Solitude
3. Mature Discipleship: The Struggle to Give Our Lives Away
3.1. To be more generous and life-giving
3.2. Challenges from Jesus to a deeper, more generous discipleship
3.3. Look for Christ on the road to Emmaus
3.4. Mary as the Paradigm of Maturity and Discipleship
4. Drawing strength from prayer?
4.1 a note on praying while in crisis
– State what you are analyzing?
– Briefly summarize the work?
– a thesis statement stating how your subject has affected you?
– How did that go?
– How did these topics affect you?
– Has these topics changed your mind about something? If so, explain how.
– Does these topics relate to anything from your experiences?
– brief description, reactions, and reflection on how you felt about these topics.