Is this going to be a work or worker-oriented job analysis?

Asked by HighnessArt8550

Your client Tony Stark was so impressed with your work identifying what was the cause of his employees feeling uncomfortable in the workplace, he has hired to again but this time to help the avengers. After infinity war, he was convinced the reason they failed was because they didn’t have the right sets of skills or abilities to beat Thanos. Thus, he hired you, an industrial and organizational psychologist to conduct a job analysis of being an Avenger “Earths Mightiest Hero’s”. Answer the following questions to set the beginning of your job analysis for this specific occupation.

  1. Is this going to be a work or worker-oriented job analysis? What does the client want? Why might we still be interested in the other while conducting our job analysis?

Provide an example to illustrate an application to professional practice.

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