List and briefly outline the steps involved in the policy application process


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Asked by CoachTurkey3102

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i. List and briefly outline the steps involved in the policy application process , and ii. Explain the key actions and responsibilities of the relevant parties involved (minimum of two). Steps in policy application process The parties involved with Explain the key actions and responsibilities of those parties the step ( minimum of two Example. Adviser 1. Advise the clients of the importance of disclosing all personal, medical, and Step 1: Prepare and complete financial information requested both fully and accurately..It is best to application – gather the information explain the reason why to the client, so they understand the implications of required from the client and ensure not doing 50. application form completed and accurate 2. Do NOT suggest to the client that any information offered by them is not important 3. Ensure ol sections and signatures required ore completed. 4. Before completing, suggest client gather important medical information from GF etc. if necessary, for full and accurate disclosure. (Includes dates medication/treatments/readings etc.). 5. Complete any required business replacement forms. client Must ensure all the required information is provided to the adviser and that information is factually and materially correct. Step : 

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