Psychology Assignment
Psychology Assignment
Based on the information learned from the module, I’d like you to select one of the drugs we have studied in class (or other with instructor approval) and prepare your discussion board post on this drug. Information on the drug should include the physiological (body & brain), psychological, sociological, historical, legal, and other issues and opinions you wish to present concerning the drug. You must include at least three (3) scholarly reference sources within your post, beyond your textbook. Examples of sources include empirical articles from scholarly journals obtained through searching ERIC or other appropriate databases, books or articles recognized by the profession to be refereed and professional presentations given at conferences. NOTE: most Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, Lexis-Nexis, Erowid and other general web-based searches DO NOT yield scholarly material and you will NOT get credit for using these unless you have already met the two (2) scholarly reference requirement for the paper.