The idea that emotions are part of our repertoire for an important survival reason reflects which theory of motivation/emotion? Why are motivation and emotion presented in the same chapter in your text, and how does the case of Marvin relate? #2. Which theory of Motivation?

Answered step-by-step
Asked by MagistrateWhalePerson92
Watch this video for the first questions: . The idea that emotions are part of our repertoire for an important survival reason reflects which theory of motivation/emotion? Why are motivation and emotion presented in the same chapter in your text, and how does the case of Marvin relate? #2. Which theory of Motivation? Researchers have found that one of the biggest barriers to exercising is that people do not like how they feel when they sweat or when their heart accelerates. What is being disrupted for them? To which theory of motivation does this relate? Hint: it’s the reason the ten minute rule works for many. If you don’t want to do something, tell yourself that you will do it for only 10 minutes. By the time you get 10 minutes in, you may just find that you will easily keep going. See: this article: #3: Which Theory of Motivation? A researcher has found that when the economy is booming, gambling increases, while buying insurance premiums decreases. During economic recessions, however, the reverse pattern is seen. Explain your choice. #4: Components of Emotions (5 min) Watch this: Referring to this video, give me an example of each of the three components of emotion. You will have to use your imagination as they’re not explicit in the video but put yourself in this guy’s place. #5: The Science of Happiness (10 min) Link: Although this is an older video, the research discussed in it has been further supported by more recent research. Now read pages 378-379 in 5th edition or 396-399 in the 6th edition of your text and think about how this video relates. Based on the video and your text, please answer the following: What is the relationship between money and happiness? What other factors are associated with a sustained elevation of happiness? What are not associated with this? Although not discussed in chapter 10, _____ was emphasized in the video as a practice that can promote happiness (there is a section on this in chapter 14: stress and resilience). When good or bad things happen to people, they tend to shift their point of comparison in gauging their level of happiness, so that they adapt to their new circumstances. This is called _________ (see text). # 6: Identify the theory of emotion There are three theories as to how emotion is generated discussed in your text: James-Lange, Cannon-Bard and Schacter’s Two-Factor (which I tend to refer as the Schacter-Singer theory; Stanley Schacter and Jerome Singer together proposed this theory, but for some reason your textbook authors dropped Singer’s name). As mentioned in class, however, the research into this area has come a long way since then, and so to update and broaden the discussion, I introduced two other more recent theories: the theory of Constructed Emotion (Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett’s theory) and the Embodied Cognition & Emotion Theory. For the examples below, please indicate which of these five theories is best reflected. Please note: a particular theory may apply more than once or not at all. Also, if you missed the lecture, you can find information about the two theories discussed in class (they are not discussed in the text) in the PowerPoint slides, along with links to videos relating to each. 1. Today Neil received a treatment for his migraine headaches which involved an injection of Botox into the muscles in his forehead and around his brows. He now cannot contract those muscles and furrow his brows. This evening he notices that when his teenager was clearly trying to antagonize him, he just didn’t feel as irritated as he usually does. 2. A researcher asked participants to attend to images flashed on a screen. Half of the participants were instructed to pull a joystick toward them when the image was related to forests and to push it away from them when the image was related to fields. The other half of the participants were asked to respond in the opposite way to fields and forests. The researcher then assessed participants’ emotional responses to the images and found that participants reported more positive emotional response to the images they had responded to by pulling the joystick toward them compared to the images to which they responded by pushing the joystick away from them. 3. Jack had an espresso just before working out at the gym. As he’s pounding away on the treadmill, his heart is racing a little faster than it usually does. He stops momentarily to wipe the sweat from his face and notices the person on the treadmill next to him. He is amazed at how strongly attracted he is to this person and wonders why he hadn’t noticed them before. 4. Eric is a five year old whose parents are dependable, warm and use a lot of positive reinforcement. On the other hand, Eric’s cousin Ethan’s parents are unpredictable and tend to use harsh punishment with him and his older brother. One day the cousins were together in the care of an older relative, and when he suddenly received good news through a text, he excitedly shouted. Eric’s reaction to his shouting was excitement, while Ethan experienced a surge of fear. 5. Jane and Jack were driving along a rural road and nearly hit a deer. Afterwards, Jane commented that she thinks she didn’t really feel fearful until after her heart started racing. Jack says that as far as he was aware, his feeling of fear happened at the very same time his heart started racing. Jane’s observations are most consistent with the ________ theory of emotion, while Jack’s reflect the __________ theory.

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