Using pronouns effectively:

Answered step-by-step
Asked by JudgeFlowerSwan22

Using pronouns effectively:


  • Identify all pronouns in your paragraph. Remember that pronouns include personal pronouns like “she,” “her,” and “it”; indefinite pronouns like “everyone,” “each,” and “all”; and relative pronouns like “that” and “which.”
  • Identify the antecedent of each pronoun in your paragraph. The antecedent is the noun to which the pronoun refers.
  • If you found any of the three types of pronoun problems—unclear pronoun reference, vague subject pronoun, or agreement error—in your paragraph, identify the problem and revise the problematic sentence.

My paragraph:


I believe that the causes of a bad work environment can be inefficient leadership, lack of communication, not knowing how to resolve conflicts, lack of motivation, and discrimination. In discriminatory work environment does not directly affect an employee’s mental health. It may and often harms productivity, discourages individuals from staying on the job, and keeps them from rising in their careers. In my work unit, an environment is not pleasant to the naked eye. Soldiers can differentiate lousy communication, lack of companionship, or egos create a toxic and conflictive environment, and also when there is a conspiracy between colleagues. When soldiers do the work of others without receiving any recognition, the office feels like a battlefield.

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