Fill in the chart below and then complete the Lewis structures…

 . Fill in the chart below and then complete the Lewis structures…

Answered step-by-step
Asked by fatenm44

Image transcription text

Fill in the chart below and then complete the Lewis structures for the molecules shown below and fill in
those charts. element Lewis symbol |# bonds # lone pairs C N H O Halogen H 1 o bonds atom # bond angle
|hybridization H-C-C-O-H It bonds 1 2 2 H 3 acetic acid

Image transcription text

H H. C-C-C-N o bonds atom # bond angle hybridization H 3 2 1 I it bonds 2 acrylonitrile 3 H H 2 0 H-C-H o
bonds atom # bond angle | hybridization H-C- -N C -N 1 It bonds C-H 2 H C. 3 O H-C-H 3 H caffeine


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Answered by chiranjeevi492

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