Make bar graph for all 3 gummy bears in my data. Bears % Change in…
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Make bar graph for all 3 gummy bears in my data. Bears % Change in…
Answered step-by-step
Asked by BailiffOxide15560
Make bar graph for all 3 gummy bears in my data
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Bears % Change in Water Tap Water Bear 542.19% Distilled Water Bear 517.3% Salt Water Bear 352.56% 6. Make a bar graph of the percent changes. a. Label axes b. Place a scale on the vertical axis and give the graph a title. Place the data for both bears on the same graph. USE GRAPH PAPER or Create a Graph. If you have a negative value for a percent change, start the vertical axis at a negative number. (For example: -50, -25, 0, 25, 50,