short paper on the main topic from the film “The Great Hack” to…

short paper on the main topic from the film “The Great Hack” to…

Answered step-by-step
Asked by ElderInternet12544

short paper on the main topic from the film “The Great Hack” to demonstrate your knowledge of that topic.

  • First, find one outside academic source and one non-academic source that relate to the topic of your film. The academic source must be a library book or an academic (peer reviewed) source. These can be found through the libraries online databases (I recommend JSTOR). The non-academic source can be any news article or website.
  • Using these two sources and the film, writea short paper (600700words) that explains the topic in detail and how it relates to American Government. Remember to break up your writing in appropriate paragraphs (intro, body, conclusion).
  • You will need to include a References page at the end

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