To be creative with the presentation of Slide 1, you can change the following aspects of the template
To be creative with the presentation of Slide 1, you can change the following aspects of the template
Assignment 2
Assessment 2 is approximately 2500 words, and is worth 55% of the final course grade. It has two parts: Part A and Part B.
- Part A involves developing a poster based on the chosen Scenario Package (or your research project), and following the Assignment 2 template provided in the course. It is 2000 word equivalent. The word ‘equivalent’ means the exact word count is NOT assessed. Students should focus on answering questions in Part A adequately.
- Part B is a short discussion. Students are asked to discuss how Nursing Project course would influence the practice of a newly Registered Nurse. It is 500 word exact. The usual 10% variation applies.
How to use the Assignment 2 template
- Download Assignment 2 template from the Assessments folder.
- The template has 3 slides. Complete Part A of Assignment 2 on Slide 1, Part B on Slide 2, and write reference list (except for the four primary articles) on Slide 3.
- Complete and submit Assignment 2 electronically. You are NOT required to print off Assignment 2 for display to meet the course requirements.
- Slide 1 of Assignment 2 contain multiple text boxes of varying sizes. You are required to address each aspect of the research project as indicated by the section headings, so it is important that you do not alter the size and order of these text boxes, and the empty space between these boxes.
- To be creative with the presentation of Slide 1, you can change the following aspects of the template. They include 1) the style and/or colour of the boarder of text boxes; 2) background colour of Slide 1 and/or text box sections; 3) adding relevant pictures/figures to Slide 1; and 4) font style/colour for poster titles, section headings and subheadings and main text, but follow the font size specified in the template.
Part A (1500 word equivalent)
- Background/Relevance/Research question: 1) Use the corresponding introduction section in Assignment 1 template to build this section. 2) Briefly summarise the clinical issue. You can paraphrase (so to avoid plagiarism) the information in Assignment 1 Template, OR substantiate this section as informed by additional references. 3) Present the relevance of , and the research question itself. 4) Present in paragraphs.
- Five Key Messages: 1) Present five synthesised key messages from the four (4) primary articles, incorporating tutors’ feedback. 2) In-text reference the four (4) primary articles as relevant.
- Implement and disseminate key messages: 1) Present a knowledge translation (KT) plan to implement or disseminate the key messages. 2) You can use bullet points in this section.
3) Use additional references to support the KT plan.
- What still needs to be known (gaps): What gaps in the evidence still exists after your review of the four (4) primary articles? You can use bullet or number points in this section.
- Recommendations to address gaps: What future research can be conducted to address the identified gaps? Have a look at your primary research articles regarding how recommendations are worded, and examples of research recommendations.
- Four primary research references: List the full reference of the four (4) primary articles in correct UniSA Harvard format. No need to include them again on Slide 3.
Part B (500 words, exact 10% variation either way is allowed)
- Discuss how the learning from Nursing Project can influence the practice of a newly Registered Nurse.
- You are welcome to use course references or additional relevant literature to support your response.
- Do not discuss other courses or your scenario package (or research project).
Writing and referencing
- Follow academic writing requirements
- Follow the University of South Australia-Harvard Referencing guide
- Selection of irrelevant articles will result in loss of mark according to the marking rubric of Assignment 1.
- It is important that you retrieve the full texts of relevant articles to complete Assignment 1, and Assignment 2.