Topic 25: Draw the general life cycle of a dikaryotic fungi. In…

Topic 25: Draw the general life cycle of a dikaryotic fungi. In…

Answered step-by-step
Asked by jennythyhuynh583

Topic 25: Draw the general life cycle of a dikaryotic fungi. In your drawing be sure to identify the major features and characteristics of fungi. Lastly, identify the differences between the life cycles of Basidiomycota, Ascomycota, Glomeromycota and Chytridmycota.

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11/15/23 Fungi . Zyl Topics for the day . General features –
Features – Reproduction – Nutrition . Sample the diversity . Symbiosis
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11/15/23 11/15/23 General Biology of the Fungi nuclei can undergo mitosis w/out . Animal and fungi last
shared a common ancestor 460 MYA making new cells – Some debate on timing . Eukaryotic and
non-photosynthestic . Can be unicellular – yeasts haplord . Multicellular fungi consist of long, sl… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Unusual cell division Nutrition . Fungi have an unusual mitosis – Cell is not relevant unit of
reproduction – Nuclear envelope does not break down and re- Obtain food by secreting digestive enzymes
into surroundings form – Instead, the spindle apparatus is formed within it Then absorb the org… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Nutrient acquisition is similar to animals Step 2 – Secretion/External Digestion ONA . – ANE
Engyves Enzyme * Absorbet Step 1 – 9.5 Him Enzyme Production . Spores are the most common means of
Step 3 – Absorption reproduction among fungi or JAIL – May form from sexual or asexual proce… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Generalized Life Cycle of Fungi nuck can motors what ISTEN making new cells . . n n
haplord Septurn nuchi – Allows for sharing of nutrients D 5 10 44 15 Plasmogamy in Rhizoctonia 17 nucki can
anton’s w/out making new cells Dikaryotic fungi . . . . . n n ntn Haryogamy Septurn – Allows for s… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Basidiomycota Ascomycota . Basidiomycetes are some of the most familiar . Contain about
75% of the known fungi fungi . Includes bread yeasts, common molds, cup fungi, truffles, and morels .
Mushrooms, toadstools, puffballs, shelf fungi, Penicillin-producing fungi are in the genus Penicill… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Yeast Zygomycota . Zygomycetes are incredibly diverse . Not monophyletic – still under
research . Include the common bread molds and various Unicellular ascomycetes parasites of many
creatures . Most reproduce asexually by budding . Hyphae don’t form Septa** * . Yeasts can fer… 
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Page 14 of 21 11/15/23 11/15/23 Chytridiomycota Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis causes chytridiomycosis .
Aquatic, flagellated fungi Very Old lineage Fungi Kill frogs by eating . Have motile zoospores keratin .
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis implicated in (component of amphibian die-offs the skin). Resp… 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 . Lichens Mycorrhizae – Symbiotic associations between a fungus and a . Mutualistic
relationships between fungi and photosynthetic partner plants Cyanobacteria, green Found on the roots of
about 90% of all known algae, or sometimes both vascular plant species – Most are mutualistic … 
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11/15/23 11/15/23 Glomeromycota . Glomeromycetes are a tiny group of fungi Form intracellular associations
with plant roots called arbuscular mycorrhizae SAP – Cannot survive in absence of host plant 1 3 . No
evidence of sexual reproduction 2 4 AM / EM A schematic diagram of the mycoheterotrophic in… 
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Page 20 of 21 11/15/23 11/15/23 Fungal Parasites and Pathogens . Fungi also cause human and animal
diseases – Candida – thrush; vaginal infections – Pneumocystis jiroveci – pneumonia in AIDS The Humungous
Fungus – Athlete’s foot, ringworm, and nail fungus . Fungal diseases are difficult to treat becaus… 


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