Professional Development Plan

Professional Development Plan

Staff name: Counselor A Supervisor: Supervisor B Date: January 16, 2021

Foundation/Practice Dimension: PD V, Counseling Element: Counseling Families, Couples, and Significant Others

Competency to be addressed and page number from TAP 21: Page 116-Competency # 93: Describe and summarize the client’s behavior within

the group to document the client’s progress and identify needs and issues that may require a modification on the treatment plan.

Strengths: Conducts very comprehensive initial assessments to guide the treatment plan/ treatment of clients in individual sessions.

Challenges/Concerns: Difficulty in recognizing when the needs of the individual are different from the needs of the group.


Present level of proficiency from rating forms

1 2 3 4

Level of proficiency to be achieved with this learning plan

1 2 3 4

Target date to complete the plan:


What is the issue to

be addressed?


What is to be accomplished?


Activities necessary to

achieve the goal

What will be done?


How will progress be measured? Target Completion Date


Situations in which

significant differences

between individual

and group goals

require changing either

the individual’s goals

or the groups focus.

1. Recognition of the

need to change the tx

plan of the individual

based on the

individual’s behavior.

2. Will articulate this

recognition in

supervision citing the

behaviors that

suggest a need to


1. Counselor A will

receive Family


Supervision as well

as individual

supervision with

current supervisor.

2. Counselor will

rewrite a treatment

plan for the

individual while in

supervision, with

support from the



1.During supervision, counselor

and supervisor will review past

treatment plans with newly

revised treatment plans to note

differences between plans.

2. In reviewing plans, client

outcome and progress will be

noted to demonstrate change due

to updated tx plan.

1. Bi weekly review of charts-02/21/21

2. Family Therapy supervision will occur until 3/21/21 and be reassessed to determine if there is a need to continue.



What is the issue to

be addressed?


What is to be accomplished?


Activities necessary to

achieve the goal

What will be done?


How will progress be measured? Target Completion Date


Documenting the

client’ group behavior

that has implications

for treatment planning.

1. Noting the family

dynamics and how

they will impact the

sessions and overall


1. Attend a training on

family dynamics,

roles, and

expectations in a

family system

disrupted by

substance use


1. Discuss information

taken from training with

supervisor and how

counselor sees it playing

out in family sessions.

2. Note observations in

chart, and steps taken to

address the implications

for tx planning and

overall session outcomes

and progress.

1. Bi-weekly review

of charts.


Appreciation for

individual differences

in progress toward

treatment goals and

use of group


Articulate the many factors

that determine why people

differ in progress and

outcomes during the same

family sessions based on

anecdotal experience and

then based on research.

Reconcile the differences

between the two.

Write a short paper on

what the research

demonstrates regarding

differences in progress and


Discuss the paper in supervision

and discuss personal beliefs and

how they are alike and differ

from the research being cited in

the paper,

Discuss how a lack of

appreciation of the differences

can be counterproductive in

treatment sessions.





Additional comments: Counselor A has recently begun facilitating family/significant others therapy groups in our agency. She has expressed some

concerns on the transition, notably a focus that extends beyond the individual and the implications for treatment planning and treatment. Counselor A

came to the supervisor to request this opportunity as Counselor A is a student of systems theory and recognize families for the systems they are. She

recognizes that she does not have a full appreciation of the differences toward progress in a group setting and states that it may be due, in part, to her

lack of understanding of dynamics in a group setting in therapy. She is willing to learn and open to feedback when needed.

Supervisor signature: ___________________________Date: _______ Counselor: ___________________________________ Date______

Date for “re-observation” to assess performance: 04/15/21




Counselors continuing clinical assessments and tx plans show a marked improvement when documenting the need for individual treatment plans

rather than a plan that addresses the “group” as the only client in the room. Her notes document when the “assigned” roles, and “rules” of the group

present themselves during the session, the impact they have on the session, and how she responds to them or uses them as an intervention or

“teachable moment. She admits to still “falling prey” to some of her negative beliefs as to why some family members do not do as well as others. She

utilizes individual supervision to address her concerns and reports that she finds group supervision helpful as; it offers her the opportunity to learn

from others who also run family/significant other/ group therapy sessions.

Next Appointment: _______________________

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