The nursing preceptor rotates throughout various clinical units within healthcare facilities to meet nurse staffing needs to improve quality patient care.
The nursing preceptor rotates throughout various clinical units within healthcare facilities to meet nurse staffing needs to improve quality patient care.
The nursing preceptor rotates throughout various clinical units within healthcare facilities to meet nurse staffing needs to improve quality patient care. Preceptors encounter numerous challenges to understand their roles and support to support newly hired nurses in the transition process. Taking the novice nursing preceptors through effective education programs may reduce gaps between preceptees knowledge and skills and unit/department expectations (Joswiak, 2018). This project aimed to develop an educational program for nursing preceptors in a hospital setting to promote newly hired nurses ensuring high-quality patient care. Benner’s From Novice to Expert Theory was utilized as the theoretical frameworks for this project. Five content experts voluntarily participated in the review of the educational PowerPoint for content validity.