TWO pages plus a reference page (see below for detailed directions about your references)
The handout should include the following:
- TWO pages plus a reference page (see below for detailed directions about your references)
- Written as a handout (short sections with limited verbiage and including bullet points, columns, or tables.
- Word templates for brochuresLinks to an external site.
- Article on how to make brochure in PagesLinks to an external site. (Mac) – make sure you convert to PDF before you submit (directions are in the article)
- A minimum of two graphics – used to enhance the content
- Sections of the handout should address the following:
- Summary of the condition. i.e., How does the condition develop? What is the effect on the body? Why is it a serious health condition?
- The lifestyle factors (and other risk factors) leading to the condition.
- General nutrition recommendations.
- Foods allowed and not allowed. i.e., the foods that should be limited/reduced or encouraged (normally in a table or columns). This must be a detailed list of foods on both sides. They must be in the students’ words (i.e., graphics should NOT replace the content you are being graded on).
- Medications/supplements that are commonly used to treat the condition (can include necessary vitamins); and which should be avoided.
TOPIC: Atherosclerosis