you can take a fat soluble, vitamin (A,D, E, and K) with water,…

1. you can take a fat soluble, vitamin (A,D, E, and K) with water,…

Answered step-by-step
Solved by verified expert
College of the Canyons



Answered step-by-step
Asked by DukeMinkPerson783
1. you can take a fat soluble, vitamin (A,D, E, and K) with water, and it will be easily absorbed, true or false.  explain 2. Emulsifiers will temporary hold fat and water together. True or false explain.  3. Allí is a popular weight loss supplement that was mentioned in chapter 3 when we discuss absorption and factors that can affect it. A. explain how Allí helps a person lose weight.  B. List at least three side effects of taking Alli C. Is Allí approved by the FDA yes or no explain why this is significant 

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