Analysis of PICOT Intervention in Nursing Practice


Introducing new ideas or systems of doing things is one of the most common aspects of healthcare yet some of the most of the difficult ones. Generally, people do not accept change readily especially in an organization where they have a particular ideology and laid out policies. However, in improving healthcare, it is important to overcome these challenges and inculcate new knowledge into the existing system. This paper analyzes the implementation of a PICOT intervention by a nurse, which is a process in Evidence-Based Practice.

Strategies of Implementation

There are two main strategies that the nurse can use to implement the specific intervention. First, ‘multifaceted tailored’ approaches are ideal (Antwi, & Kale, 2014). They involve teams of key stakeholders and parties with vested interest in the outcome of the proposed intervention. The teams are effective in transforming attitudes, practices and the knowledge in the hospital setting allowing the implementation. Once the team has a similar direction, they then work through the process of implementing the strategy one at a time. Secondly, setting up supporting systems also works effectively. It involves having a set of policies and professionals in the particular field who can be relied upon to spearhead the strategy. In this case, the masters prepared nurse and the hospital policies act as the structures.


There are various stakeholders in the implementation of the intervention. To begin with, the nurse, carrying out the pilot test is the main stakeholder. The nurse is responsible for overseeing the entire process and to determine whether it meets the expected outcome. Secondly, the team allocated to assist in the implementation of the intervention is also part of the stakeholders. They include the supervising doctors, the pharmacy employees and members from other departments. The management is part of this group as they are the decision makers. Finally, the knee-replacement patients are also stakeholders as the PICOT question entails them. They give feedback which is important in implementing the proposed intervention.

Strategies in Promoting Engagement

There are two main strategies that would be used to promote engagement of the various stakeholders in this intervention. First, leadership and communication are very effective (Hackett, 2015). It is important for the leaders of the team such as the nurse and the entire management to show guidance on where the execution as headed. In addition, they need to maintain a sense transparency on the progress of the process. It is important to maintain good communication with the stakeholders on the step-by step progress of the intervention. Secondly, effective management is another strategy. It involves bearing the vision of the intervention even in times of uncertainty. Additionally, it involves spearheading the implementation of the process which inspires confidence in the stakeholders.


Implementing this intervention would have several barriers that may derail it. These barriers can be assessed in different ways. First, analyzing the performance is one of the efficient ways to assess them. It involves evaluating the progress of the implementation process to identify what has been achieved and what is yet to be attained. In evaluating the performance, it helps to identify what is causing hitches in the progress. Secondly, getting opinions from the involved stakeholders is also an ideal way. Having the opinion of the parties involved is important as it gives different perspectives which sheds light on barriers that may not have been identified by the leaders.

Eliminating barriers

Eliminating the barriers involves overcoming the challenges deterring the implementation process to maintain progress. There are several ways in which this could be done. Participation is an important aspect. It involves valuing and accommodating the opinions and participation of the parties involved to give opinions on how the barriers can be overcome (Neill, 2018). This is important in ensuring that the best alternative is arrived at while keeping everyone in focus. Secondly, communicating clearly with the stakeholder and the entire institution would be important. It is the strategy in which the implementation team consistently updates the institution to ensure that barriers such as criticism and resistance are managed.

Resources Needed

Organizational resources are needed for the pilot project to be fully accomplished. Firstly, human resources are the most important. It involves all the parties involved in the implementation such as nurses, pharmacists and management. These parties are essential in not only spearheading the project but also in playing different roles that are allocated. Secondly, monetary resources are required in enabling the implementation team to fulfil its objectives by obtaining purchases and paying for projects that need monetary funding. These resources are essential as they determine how long and how effectively the project is accomplished.

Measuring the Outcome

Measuring performance is important in determining the success of the project. There are two main ways to accomplish this. First, the most important way would involve evaluating whether the goals that had been set were achieved (Ivanov, & Avasilcăi, 2014). At the beginning of the project, it is important to set the expected goals that will guide the entire process. It serves as a good benchmark to identify whether these goals have been met. Lastly, evaluating the personal expectation of the stakeholders such as the nurse in the leadership as well as the other stakeholders on whether what they intended to happen has happened is a good evaluating model.


Implementing the intervention would not be an easy process. It involves a lot of human and monetary resources to accomplish the pilot project. Additionally, it would involve increasing engagement, overcoming barriers and analyzing the outcome to determine the success.  The masters prepared nurse would have to be dedicated and committed to ensure that everything is done to attain the project’s success, which would determine part of the future of healthcare.


  • Antwi, M., & Kale, M. (2014). Change management in healthcare. Ottawa, Ontario:

    The Monieson Centre for Business Research in Healthcare.
  • Hackett, A. (2015). How Do You Effectively Engage Employees During Times of Change and Uncertainty? Cornell University.
  • Ivanov, C. I., & Avasilcăi, S. (2014). Performance measurement models: an analysis for measuring innovation processes performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 124, 397-404.
  • Neill S. M. (2018). Change Management Communication: Barriers, Strategies & Messaging. Baylor University.

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