It ( a requirements analysis for an edrms (electronic documents and
You are asked to conduct a requirements analysis for an EDRMS (Electronic Documents and Records System) in a specific department at Marymount. Feel free to select a specific department at Marymount university , located in Arlington VA. Some examples are:
College of Business, Innovation, Leadership, and Design (BILT) Office
International Student Services Office
Registrar’s Office
Student Access Service
Center For Teaching and Learning
Admission and Enrollment services
Student Health Office
Student Account Office
Alumni Outreach Office
Financial Aid Office
Center for Global Education
Come up with 10 significant questions that need to be asked to ensure that you can build an effective and secure electronic documents and records system for the assigned department.
— In your initial post, first state which department you pick; then make a brief description of the context (e.g., what type of documents or records do they collect or create, how many documents or records are there, and how many staffs working for the department would be the users, etc.). Feel free to make appropriate assumptions if no factual information can be obtained; and at last list 10 questions that can be used to elicit requirements of the EDRMS from users (e.g., department staffs, student workers, etc.).
–You also need to read at least two of your colleagues’ lists and write down your reactions (whether the list is complete, whether there is any important question missing, etc.).