Essay on Dementia and Communication


In this report I will be discussing a brain disease called Picks and how it affects communication for the client, their family and the healthcare assistant. There are five distinguishing features of Picks disease, I have done all my research on line and found all the sites extremely helpful.

  1. On set.
  2. Personality change.
  3. Roaming behaviour.
  4. Loss of normal controls.
  5. Hyper sexuality.

Picks Disease

Picks disease is a less common form of dementia. it is 15% of all dementia cases. It is a very rare disease. The human brain is the most complicated organ of our bodies, picks is frontal temporal dementia, nerves at the front and sides of the brain are destroyed due to a build-up of proteins why the build-up of protein nobody knows but Picks strikes adults between the ages of 40 and 60 and there are a few cases of Picks suffers at the young age of 20, it’s a disease that is more common in women than men. Picks is hard to diagnose and can sometimes be diagnosed as depression.


the physical signs of Picks is muscle rigidity, difficulty moving about, incontinence and memory loss.

Personality change;

Picks is a very steadily progressive disease, there would be many behavioural changes like inappropriate behaviour speech difficulty, loss of memory and intellectual abilities poor judgment overeating and drinking, lack of hygiene.

Emotional signs

would be mood changes, no empathy, impatience, aggression and no attention span, there language skills would deteriorate fast as well difficulty in speaking and understanding and a decreased inability to read and write.

Roaming behaviour;

Picks suffers just like any dementia suffer have a need to roam about they don’t seem to like doors or closed in spaces, so this means that someone has to be constantly with them they cannot be left on their own in case of injuries or the client getting themselves into danger.

Loss of normal controls;

this is the client not having control over how much food or drink. Hyper sexuality affects anyone who has had a brain injury or suffers with some form of dementia it is where client would have not sexual urges or they would be highly sexual.

All these signs behavioural emotional language and physical can be very stressful on the client’s family especially when they might not have the correct information about the diseases.

The family Caring for someone with Picks disease:

When you have a loved one with a dementia disease like Picks you want to do everything in your power to do the right thing for them so you and your family will take on the responsibility of caring for your loved one, you are first looking at around the clock care which is going to be tough mentally and physical. Your dealing with major personality changes mood swings, rudeness, impatience, aggression, incontinence all these things you never had to deal with before this not just upheaves the clients life but yours your family friends your work plans basically you and your loved ones life plans and this alone can be very stressful. Always get as much information as you can about the diseases on the internet from your doctor, specialists and support groups, never ever refuse help from your family and friends remember no one is an Island we all need help.


“Accept the conditions and changes in your relationship with your loved one, after that it becomes easier” Anonymous.

The client with Picks disease;

Picks is very hard to diagnose it is sometime mistaken for depression it has some of the symptoms of depression e.g. mood swings, no attention span, lack of hygiene over eating or not eating properly,

The loss of speech and understand when trying to communicate can be very upsetting for the client which leads to aggression impatience and frustration. It is very important that the client gets as much help as they can get, speech therapy plenty of exercise but above all keep their dignity, some examples of this would be always make eye contact make sure the client can here and see you always tell them who you are and what will be happening you may have to repeat this many times and speak slow clear and calm. It is so important to get help as fast as you can it can make a difference with speech there are memory exercises that can be of great benefit, there are also flash cards that can be used for when the speech does get harder for the client simple pictures of the toilet, drink, eat I’m tired these can help with communications and ease some of the frustration for all family and care givers. Clients should always be able and never afraid to ask for help.

The Healthcare assistant and the Picks client;

As a healthcare provider you always have to be observant watching the client to see any physical and emotional changes with them watching their demeanour when visitors come or if you fell something is not right with your client.

Gain their attention by making eye contact make sure that your client can see and hear you always sit at the same level use names when you are talking try to keep their attention.

Speak slowly clearly and in a clam manner use your tones correctly pause between each sentences to give your client a chance to answer your question.

Be clear when family members and visitors call tell them who they are by name especially if they are new to them like a new doctor a new staff member.

Listening to your client is very important reduce all background noise TV, radio and other peoples conversations. If your client is having difficulties trying to find words or finishing what they want to tell you try and find ways for them to explain this is where the flashcards would come in handy.

When your clients speech is getting hard to understand use what you know about them and you might get a feel as to what they are trying to tell you but always check to make sure that this is what they are looking for please don’t shout or use bad tones this will cause much distress always include your client in decision making offer them choices and try and use questions that can be answered with a yes or no or a simple nod of the head. No slang words or abbreviations they might not understand what you are saying and it could turn into frustration for your client.


Commination is the major factor for the client the family and the healthcare assistant it would be of great benefit to the client if you suggested to the family to do commutations course it would help them to cope better with their loved one and to understand how to communicate properly which would be extremely helpful in dealing with a person that has a brain disease.

Quote; “There is on one way to look after a person with dementia every person is different, do your best” anonymous.


In this report I have out lined what Picks is, it is a front temporal dementia nerves at the front and sides of the brain are destroyed due to a build-up of protein, it’s a less common form of dementia most common in women than men it strikes between the ages of 40 and 50 and in a few cases it can happen at the early age of twenty.

Picks causes personality changes, inappropriate behaviour, speech difficulties, loss of memory and intellectual abilities Picks is a steadily progressive disease.

It is important to have communication skills, to observe, to listen this would apply to the family and the healthcare assistant. Speak slow clear and calm pause after asking a question wait for answer, make eye contact make sure you can be seen and heard sit at the same level, use your name when talking telling them who you are and always retain their sense of identity and dignity these are very important for the client.

Learning to live with Picks dealing with a family member who has it and caring for someone with a brain disease is upsetting for all but catching it as early as possible learning coping and communicating skills can be of great benefit to the client family and healthcare assistant.

References; picks disease.htm





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