Roys adaptation model Essay,
Roys adaptation model Essay,
Must analyze a pre selected article (uploaded) and write a 2-3 page paper discussing the impact of RAM (Roys adaptation model) on care. It must include * Who the article was about -population. *How RAM was utilized in the nursing care plan (intervention) * The outcome or results noted in the article * the benefits or problems related to using RAM * recommendation for further study. * Summation This article details the application of Roys (Roy & Andrews, 1999) adaptation model when caring for a group of women experiencing changes associated with menopause.
The Roy model guided the assessment of the members levels of adaptation and facilitated the man- agement of stimuli to promote their adaptation. Nursing interventions focused on issuessurrounding menopause including disturbance in body image and social isolation. The life expectancy of the average Canadian woman is 81 years(StatisticsCanada, 1999).
This increased longevity is allowing a greater number of women to experience the joys and sorrows of life after menopause. Although some women start to think about meno- pause early in life, others avoid the topic altogether until they are faced with its physical symptoms and biological changes(Choi, 1995).Community health clinical nurse specialists can play an important role in assisting women to adapt to menopause. The purpose of this article is to describe how one nurse facilitated a group for women coping with meno- pause. TheRoy (Roy & Andrews, 1999) adaptation model guided the assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of care for this