explain that Thatchers leadership for the citizens was strategic. She had long-term ambitions to improve the state of life of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear challenges because she was determined to achieve her long-term ambition of making Britain a better country for the good of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear developing visionary plans for Britain because the four-year election system.

explain that Thatchers leadership for the citizens was strategic. She had long-term ambitions to improve the state of life of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear challenges because she was determined to achieve her long-term ambition of making Britain a better country for the good of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear developing visionary plans for Britain because the four-year election system.



Management Report: Margaret Thatcher?s Leadership and Stakeholder Management a) Introduction The leadership of Margaret Thatcher demonstrates a lot of value-lessons on stakeholder management. The main strength of Thatcher lied in understanding her stakeholders. Thatcher served as the Prime Minister for Britain, a leadership position that exposed her to different stakeholders that she had to manage in a proper way (Colbert 1). However, her leadership and stakeholder management strategies had some weaknesses as well. Although she was a visionary leader who took tough stance and made decisions with the stakeholders in mind, her leadership was characterized with a dictatorial approach. She also failed to achieve unity in her cabinet. In the stakeholder management of Thatcher, the student analyzes the leader?s stakeholder management from a political perspective. The student also considers stakeholders as people who had interest in Thatcher?s leadership. The stakeholders range from the citizens she led to the cabinet members and business partners who traded with Britain during her leadership. b) The citizens as Thatcher?s stakeholders The first group of stakeholders is the citizens that Thatcher led as the prime Minister. Thatcher had a visionary style of leadership for her citizens. Colbert (1) explains that Thatcher?s leadership for the citizens was strategic. She had long-term ambitions to improve the state of life of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear challenges because she was determined to achieve her long-term ambition of making Britain a better country for the good of the citizens. Thatcher did not fear developing visionary plans for Britain because the four-year election system. Colbert (1) explains that most leaders avoid long-term plans and they choose short-term ones for political reasons. Thatcher also demonstrated the ability to make tough decisions for the benefit of the citizens (Colbert 1). She, therefore, had the interest of the citizens at heart. c) The cabinet Members Thatcher?s leadership faced the problem of poor stakeholder management at the level of the cabinet. Thatcher did not practice inclusive leadership with the cabinet members. They were not free to contribute their personal opinions on matters that affected Britain. Colbert quotes Thatcher in the following words: I do not have any issue with a consensus as long as it is a consensus behind my opinion, (Colbert 1). The quote shows that Thatcher did not exercise free will in her leadership of the cabinet. Her opinion had to override the opinions of the cabinet members to them to have a consensus (Colbert 1). Colbert explains that the limitation of a dictatorial leader in stakeholder management is that the leader limits the level of creative thinking and input because the subjects have to follow her orders (Colbert 1). d) Industry Owners Margaret Thatcher created policies that created a supportive working landscape for the industries. Smith narrates how her family owned a manufacturing business in West Midlands during Thatcher?s leadership. When I see how the working landscape has changed, I struggle to have empathy with the policies she implemented and the strategic decisions she took, (Smith 1). It means that the leader had good policies to promote the working places for the industry owners. The environmental protection policies that Thatcher developed benefitted the industrial community by promoting a safe and healthy working environment. The modern leadership has failed to develop and implement stringent rules to create favorable working condition in West Midland and other places (Smith 1). e) The International Community The leadership of Thatcher was influential to the international levels. Thatcher developed strategies that not only influenced life in Britain but the entire world. Skidelsky (1) explains how Thatcher developed strong unions with different global leaders to change global events. Thatcher helped in solving different global problems, including the Cold War. Skidelsky (1) explains that, Her relationship with the Soviet leader, Mikhail Gorbachev opened up the way to the end of the Cold war, (Skidelsky 1). Thatcher also contributed to dismantling state socialism by developing strong privatization policies. The international community had a lot of interest in Thatcher because how she skillfully influenced global life and events in a positive way. The description of Winston Churchill, however, shows some of the ways in which the international held Thatcher in low esteem. Churchill said of Thatcher, Thatcher was brave and resolute but she was not magnanimous. She won famous victory but showed no generosity to be defeated in word or deed, (Skidelsky 1). The description relates with the dictatorship that Thatcher played in her cabinet. She failed to let the opinions of other members of the International community defeat her opinions. Conclusion In summary, Thatcher?s leadership shows both strengths and weaknesses in the management of her stakeholders. She was a visionary leader who had good long-term plans for her citizens. However, she was a dictator in her cabinet, and she did not allow them to share their opinions freely. She developed good policies that improved the conditions of working for the industrial community. At the international level, she was influential in ending the Cold War and dismantling the communist states. However, she did not allow the views of other members of the international community to override her views. Despite her strengths, she did not handle her stakeholders with a democratic mind.Works Cited Colbert, John. Margaret Thatcher: Leadership, the Good and the Bad, Corporate Edge. April 16, 2013. Web. November 11, 2014. https://www.corporate-edge.com.au/blog/posts/2013/april/16/margaret-thatcher-leadership-the-good-the-bad/ Skidelsky, Robert. Margaret Thatcher: A Strong Leader but a Resolute Failure by any other Measure, The Guardian. April 18, 2013. Web. November 11, 2014. https://www.theguardian.com/business/economics-blog/2013/apr/18/margaret-thatcher-leader-failure-strong Smith, Laney E. Margaret Thatcher, Syren Strategy. April 29, 2013. Web. November 11, 2013. https://www.syren-strategy.com/blog-post/59/

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