Describe the current clinical practice based problem

Describe the current clinical practice based problem

Nursing Evidence based paper

Paper , Order, or Assignment Requirements

1. Select a relevant clinical practice based problem/topic.

2. Describe the current clinical practice based problem/topic and include

•Population of interest
•Background information

3. Search the literature for four (4) evidence-based interventions on the problem/topic of interest. The literature can be individual studies or systematic reviews. A systematic review counts as one (1) intervention. If using a systematic review, report on the review, not on the studies identified in the review. The studies must be within the discipline of nursing (not medicine). All of the studies MUST be intervention studies. Review what constitutes an intervention study.
• identify the databases (e.g., CINAHL, Medline) and key terms used in initiating the collective search for all of the studies (not each study)

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