Identify normal growth and development of the Older Adult, utilizing the theorist Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam.
Identify normal growth and development of the Older Adult, utilizing the theorist Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam.
In order to meet patient needs and assist patients in achieving an optimal level of functioning, it is essential to understand theories of normal growth and development. Additionally, a working knowledge of growth and development is necessary to establish appropriate patient teaching objectives.
In an effort to encourage such understanding, the Growth and Development Project serve as a mechanism to apply the theory. Identify an older person and obtain consent to conduct a holistic assessment and then follow the guidelines below.
DUE: Â 11/18/2014
Learner Objectives:
The student will:
1.Identify normal growth and development of the Older Adult, utilizing the
theorist Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam. (10%)
2.Observe an Older Adult to apply the theories of Human Development using Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam. 20%)
3.Document observations in describing behaviors, activities that are pertinent to this specific stage (Older Adult) of growth and development and validate your position with scholarly works (Theorist and Theories (Biological, Sociological, and Developmental). (20%)
Additional information to include in the observation:
b. Date & location of observation (I live in queens NY)
c. Length of time of observation
d. Age & gender of person being observed
e. Description of behaviors/activities noted
5.Analyze the documented observation, utilizing the theorist (Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam). (20%)
Analysis must include the following but is not limited to the following criteria                                          3 pts
Stage of development and age range for person being observed
Complete analysis of the Older Adult’s behaviors/activities, and sensory perceptions
. Is the behavior/activity and sensory perceptions congruent with the expected level of development?
*What developmental tasks were noted that support your analysis?
*Do behaviors/activities and sensory perceptions represent movement toward successful outcomes for the Older Adult? What behaviors are reflective of the analysis related to expected outcomes either positive or negative?
. If there is evidence of unsuccessful expected outcomes.
*      What interventions could be utilized (in terms of secondary and tertiary prevention) to improve the Older Adult’s development?
6. Develop a nursing care plan incorporating all phases of the nursing process as related to your Assessed Oder Adult. (20%)
Assigned Readings beyond the textbook:
It is the student’s responsibility to identify additional reference sources beyond the textbook for the theorist chosen (Erikson, Peck, Havighurst, and Tornstam to complete this assignment). (10%)