opportunity to develop your understanding of how law, ethics and professional guidelines guide nursing practice.

Opportunity to develop your understanding of how law, ethics and professional guidelines guide nursing practice.

This essay will give you the opportunity to develop your understanding of how law, ethics and professional guidelines guide nursing practice. It will allow you to reflect on the values and characteristics of professionalism in the healthcare setting.  Completing this essay will also further develop your academic and information literacy skills.


Select one of the three discussion board scenarios.  Identify the main issues inherent in the scenario and make appropriate recommendations to address these issues.

It is expected that your essay will address/contain the following information:

  1. Your immediate and subsequent actions as the witnessing nurse (these actions need to be supported by literature)
  2. An overview of the relevant sections of the Australian National Competency Standards that apply and why
  3. The possible legal/ethical implications

Scenario 1

You witness a nurse perform a procedure on a patient without consent.

As the witnessing nurse what is your immediate action? What must you do following this? Which sections of the Australian National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse apply here and why? What are the possible legal/ethical implications?

Scenario 2

One of your facebook friends, who is also a nursing student on placement with you, posts information about one of the patients they are looking after.

As the witnessing nurse what is your immediate action? What must you do following this? Which sections of the Australian National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse apply here and why? What are the possible legal/ethical implications?

Scenario 3

You witness another student nurse give a patient two paracetamol tablets for pain without their preceptor being present.


As the witnessing nurse what is your immediate action? What must you do following this? Which sections of the Australian National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse apply here and why? What are the possible legal/ethical implications?


  • Write in the third person; avoid personal pronouns such as ‘I’ and ‘you’.
  • Avoid long, confusing sentences and check that your tenses (past, present and future) are consistent within the same sentence.
  • Avoid posing questions; work the information into the paragraph.
  • Use plain English. It is essential your meaning is clear and that you demonstrate your understanding of the nature of the topic.
  • Write your essay to the marking rubric, as this is where lecturers mark from.

Writing Tips

As you construct your essay you need to:

  • Use correct punctuation, spelling and syntax (sentence structure)
  • Paraphrase ideas from your reading/research, don’t just copy them
  • Avoid use of direct quotations.
  • Ensure you use APA 6th referencing style.


  • As good practice, whenever you include (cite) an author in your writing, ensure you include the full reference to the text referred to, at the end of your writing task.
  • To find appropriate sources, use the CDU library online journal databases.
  • Use APA referencing guidelines can be found on the CDU Library website. Download a copy and keep it to hand so that you can refer to it regularly as you learn the skills of referencing.
  • The APA 6th referencing system should be used as per the referencing guidelines on the CDU Library Website
  • Peer reviewed journal articles are your best sources.  Avoid non-refereed sources such as editorials, monthly columns or non-refereed journals.
  • It is useful to include your set text as a reference but otherwise keep the number of books to a minimum.
  • Your reference list should contain a minimum of 4 quality references that are no older than 5-8 years.   This does not include Wikipedia or dictionaries.
  • Information gained from Internet sites varies greatly in depth and quality of content.
  • Internet sites must be relevant and reputable, for example, the NWBA website.

Physical presentation

  • Use Times New Roman, Tahoma or Arial, 12 point font. Do not use bold type.
  • Use 1.5 or double spacing;
  • Justify left and right;
  • Hit enter twice between paragraphs;
  • Do not use headings or dot points;
  • Justify left and right;
  • Include page numbers; provide your name in the footer of the document, e.g. smith_jane-s0077363_Assign2_NUR120
  • Ensure you submit this assignment through SafeAssign. The ‘Draft checking’ (see green menu) facility is available to you as a check regarding the quality of your paraphrasing

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