Theories and Practice for Mental Health Nursing

Theories and Practice for Mental Health Nursing.

Order Description

Faculty of Health and Social Care


Level 4

Table of Contents

1. Module Details 3

2. Short Description 3

3. Aims of the Module 3

4. Learning Outcomes 3

4.1 Knowledge and Understanding 3

4.2 Intellectual Skills 3

4.3 Practical Skills 4

4.4 Transferable Skills 4

5. Assessment of the Module 4

6. Feedback 5

7. Introduction to Studying the Module 5

7.1 Overview of the Main Content 5

7.2 Overview of Types of Classes 6

7.3 Importance of Student Self-Managed Learning Time 6

7.4 Employability 6

8. The Programme of Teaching, Learning and Assessment 6

9. Student Evaluation 7

10. Learning Resources 7

10.1 Core Materials 7

10.2 Optional Materials 7



Module Title: Theories and Practice for Mental Health Nursing

Module Level: 4

Module Reference Number:

Credit Value: 20 credit points

Student Study Hours: 200

Contact Hours: 30 classroom contact hours

20 blended learning

Private Study Hours: 150

Pre-requisite Learning (If applicable): n/a

Co-requisite Modules (If applicable): n/a

Course(s): BSc (Hons) Mental Health Nursing

Year and Semester Year 1 Semester 1

Module Coordinator:

MC Contact Details (Tel, Email, Room)

Teaching Team & Contact Details

(If applicable):

Subject Area: Mental Health Nursing

Summary of Assessment Method: 3000 word essay

External Examiner appointed for module:


This module will orientate students to current mental health practice and theories. Underpinned by legal, professional and ethical frameworks an exploration of a number of continuum will enhance the students understanding of health, wellness and individual coping strategies.

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