Identify a public health program you believe has been impacted in a negative manner because of the current economy? How do you think the issue could be resolved from a health policy standpoint?
Identify a public health program you believe has been impacted in a negative manner because of the current economy? How do you think the issue could be resolved from a health policy standpoint?
Respond to the prompt below.
You are the Health Information Manager for Castello Community Hospital and after having submitting a request for proposal (RFP) for a new major database information system and having it approved, you must now consider site preparation. You have expedited the RFP because there have been some technical problems of late with the out- of-date system. Several division managers have expressed interest in having the main system set up in their department. Provide a rationale for placing the main frame in the department. Option A: Human Resources. 6 employees. Only one small cubicle of space available but the location of the HR Department is the most central location in the hospital.
Paragraph #2
Respond to the prompt below.
Some people would argue that economics often guides health policy. Identify a public health program you believe has been impacted in a negative manner because of the current economy? How do you think the issue could be resolved from a health policy standpoint? Do you think the issue could best be settled from a public or private perspective, and why?