BayCare Health System Evaluation

BayCare Health System was originated in 1997 when many of the not-for-profit hospitals in the Tampa Bay area came together under one name united by a common mission. BayCare Health System joins with the public to a filled variety of services at 15 infirmaries and more than 300-unit locations all over Tampa Bay and Central Florida. Inpatient and outpatient amenities contain acute and primary care, urgent care, home care and behavioral health, as well as imaging and laboratory services (BayCare2017). If your traveling anywhere in the Central Florida area you will find a BayCare facility with professional team members ready to take care of all your medical needs.

BayCare’s vision statement is “BayCare is an extraordinary team leading the way to high-quality care and personalized customer-centered health (BayCare, 2017).’’ Their vision statement solely means that they recognize the significant role played by their astonishing team members. Without them, BayCare couldn’t attain its vision. On an annual basis, BayCare contributes in a Team Member Engagement Survey. In 2018, BayCare ranked at the 84


percentile for team member engagement (BayCare, 2017). Overall, the more advanced the score is, the happier the team members are.

The mission statement representing BayCare “is to improve the health of all the individuals they serve through high-quality and compassionate care.” The codes of conduct also known as the values are trust, respect and dignity and reflect their responsibility to achieve health care excellence for their communities (BayCare, 2017). Dependable with their undertaking and values, those who represent the health system are expected to follow the high standards of knowledgeable and moral behavior and conform the law. They also expect their sellers, consultants, servicers and suppliers to be funneled by these same standards and values when working with them. BayCare’s organization is undertaking driven, patient-focused and devoted to the values and procedure of Quality Improvement. The mission and principles provide a trend to their organization. Devotion to them is critical to their triumph.

The organizational structure of BayCare is organized by divisions, including the Hospital, Physician, Clinical Integrated Network, Ambulatory, Behavioral Health Insurance and Support divisions. During my seminar, I had the opportunity to work on the business side of the organization doing billing and coding. This plays a vigorous role in the association between health providers, patients and insurance corporations. During my practicum, my duties for billing and coding were to read, scrutinize patient records, and determine the correct codes for the patient’s records, using the proper code to bill insurance providers, having to keep track of patient data over multiple visits and also handling detailed code information.

BayCare targets their customer by a robust marque promise that lures people to try their brand, while a robust engrossment preps people to stay. Their marque is the face of organization, all the customers’ gets to experience on a day-to-day foundation whether it’s for inpatient or outpatient amenities. BayCare Health System uses two marking approaches to target their customers, alphanumeric and traditional. The establishment does a lot of digital advertising to apprise everyone about their association, but they also use traditional publicizing when you visit any of their amenities. Each month, BayCare Health System conducts classes for people that have altered types of health issues. For example, if you have anyone of these sicknesses such as, diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and depression, BayCare has classes to fit your agenda with competent instructors educating in these classes and passing out valued material. At BayCare Women’s Hospital, they have birthing classes for first time mom’s in which you can also sign up for the tour of the O.R. if you’re planning on having birth there. In the month of October, women that are over 45 years of age receives a free mammogram and breast examination. Generally, the company does a great job targeting and maintaining their brand, at any given time if you are a patient in anyone of their facilities there’s always someone to answer any questions you might have about your medical needs.

BayCare launch its first health insurance product, a Medicare Advantage (HMO) plan called BayCarePlus, which will be available to qualifying residents of Pinellas, Hillsborough, Pasco and Polk Counties. The Medicare Advantage is a kind of health insurance obtainable by secluded firms that deal with the federal government to provide Medicare Part A and B benefits. Most plans also offer prescription drug coverage (Medicare Part D). BayCare’s launch of an insurance strategy is one step in the evolution from the health care commerce’s current fee-for-service model to populace health. To meet the demands of keeping an entire population healthy, BayCare needs to align insurance, or payment, with delivery of care. And as the main not-for-profit health organization, BayCare is in a great position to provide an insurance plan that serves the needs of Tampa Bay patients and delivers a positive customer experience (BayCarePlus, 2018).

The leadership style employed by my immediate supervisor is the transformational leadership style. She is the face of BayCare. She upholds the BayCare standards and values, her main goal is to make sure the patient services have been met from the minute they get admitted to when they get discharged. In 2017 my immediate supervisor saw a need for an expansion at the Women’s Hospital a 24-hour Urgent Care was greatly needed. After seeing that the number of child birth’s increase by 100 babies versus the same time frame last year, she decided to present a proposal the president. After great consideration and research her proposal was approved by the board. The $1.5 million-dollar project is now completed and schedule to open August 1, 2019. The director assigns smart goals for all her employees that are attainable she consistently shares her vision with her employees. During monthly meetings she inspires and empowers her staff and ask for their input. The leadership provided under her management and care has shown to exceed expectations for which BayCare presents for itself.

One of the things I would change would be the billing and coding process. For one patient chart there’s at least ten essentials that must be done. It consumes a lot of time for a chart, in my opinion, everything needs to be on one screen instead of multiples, and this would eliminate the extra steps for the coder and saves time and labor dollars. I would also implement a plan that all schedule appointments are in alphabetical so that when the patients chart gets to the billing and coding department everything is in place for that individual.

One idea that BayCare could implement is having a back to school free physical each summer. Even though it’s free, the turn out would be great and fully appreciated by those same children who will become a patient at a BayCare facility at some point in the future. This would also help with customer service and the bottom-line profits. Because word of mouth is still the best advertisement, this will draw more customers to the organization and bring in more revenue.

My career goal is to work in Human Resources, but in order to accomplish that goal I must set some yearly goals for myself that are achievable. One-Year Goal: Increase my professional knowledge and training in the Human Resources field. My plan is to complete college classes and obtain a bachelor’s degree in one and half years to become more marketable for a position in Human Resources. Five-Year Goal: Is to obtain a position in Human Resources and continue to increase my knowledge and experience. Ten-Year Goal: I will be working towards a master’s degree in Human Resources and continue to elevate my position at BayCare.

The practicum experience for me has been great. The only suggestion I would make is for future students, please don’t wait until the last minute to secure your internship site. If you are working for a company that’s willing to have you intern with them, please start the process early.


  • BayCare

    . (2017, February 15). Retrieved from

  • BayCarePlus

    . (2018, October 18). Retrieved from

  • Prnewswire

    . (2018, October 15). Retrieved from

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