Non-Medical Nurse Prescribing Custom Essay

Non-Medical Nurse Prescribing Custom Essay

This paper will demonstrate the author’s ability to prescribe safely from the Nurse Prescribing Formulary (NPF 2009-2011). A prescribing situation undertaken by myself while supervised by my mentor will be discussed. The patients name, address, date of birth and GP details have been changed to ensure patient confidentiality in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)(2004). The patient therefore will be referred to under the pseudonym Prince Charming. Nurse prescribing was first suggested by the Royal Collage of nursing (RCN) in 1980, it was to take another six years for it to become part of the government’s agenda with the Cumberlege Report in 1986 (Department of Health and Social Security (DHSS)(1986). These two report as well as the Crown report (DH 1989), Prescription by Nurses Act, (1992) and the Medical Prescription by Nurses Act (1994), lead to The Nurse Prescribing Formulary being introduced nationally in 1998.

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