Apply key social science concepts to specific global environmental and resource issues.
Apply key social science concepts to specific global environmental and resource issues.
Managing the Global Environment Economics
integrate key concepts in economic
s with elements of political science,
sociology, psychology, philosophy, and biology to provide insight into several environmental
and natural resource issues of global importance. This interdisci
plinary approach will encourage
s of these issues fr
om many different perspectives.
A theoretical basis for different resource management systems will be presented including
various property right structures, government institutions, and cultural and ethical aspects.
Natural resource problems that have
been successfully resolved and those that remain in conflict
will be examined. Several case studies will be used as a mechanism for bringing the various
disciplines together, and to examine the nature of natural resource management.
We will examine reso
urce questions focused at different jurisdictional levels: local, regional and
global. Each of these scales will shed light on
resource management of global importance.
Local issues are specific to a localized area, but similar concerns exist in man
y areas. Or, local
issues may be a local issue with wide
reaching ramifications. Regional concerns include
resource issues that arise due in part to the trans
boundary nature of the issue. Many institutions
may share in the management of the resource.
Global issues include those concerns that affect
many regions, and require a global approach to management.
The primary academic goals of this course are to:
Increase appreciation for the way economics interacts with the content and approaches
taken in
political science, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and biology, and how these
different fields investigate the policy, property rights assignment and management of
environmental and natural resource issues.
Identify successful resource management situa
tions and resource conflicts and the aspects
that contribute to the definition and degree of successful management.
Apply key social science concepts to specific g
lobal environmental and
resource issues.
The primary learning goals of this course are to:
Improve critical thinking by identifying and using the multiple practical and disciplinary
frameworks to address environmental and natural resource issues of global interest.
Strengthen verbal and written communication skills.
Based on individual
research and the material presented in class each student will construct a
poster displaying a natural