Practice and Innovation Manuscript
Order Description
This assessment has 2 parts. I don’t mind if I receive part one early before the due date and I can get part 2 later if that is not an issue for the writer. I will prefer to used current reference within the last 5 years from 2010 to 2015. I also prefer nursing date base be use for the search.
My chosen chronic condition is Type 2 Diabetes in the elderly and the model of care is the Wagner chronic care model. The short fall of the Wagner Model is obviously that it does not focus on the determinants of health or health promotion – you need to make recommendations in your manuscript about how to expand the model to incorporate these principles – you may also like to include Person Centred care.
Part 1. Aabstract and summary statement for practice and innovation manuscript
Word limits: 470, 200 words for abstract & 120 to 270 words for summary statement. Your title will not be included in your word count.
The following guidelines have been extracted and adapted from the Australian Journal of Primary Care website at:
You are required to choose a chronic condition and a Chronic Disease Model of Care to improve outcomes for the individual within the primary care setting.
The title should be concise and appropriately informative and should contain all keywords necessary to facilitate retrieval by modern search techniques. Additional keywords not already contained in the title or abstract may be listed beneath the abstract. An abridged title suitable for use as a running head at the top of the printed page and not exceeding 50 characters should be supplied.
The abstract
The abstract should not exceed 200 words and should state concisely the scope of the work and potential findings. Acronyms and references should be avoided. The abstract should address the following headings:
• Aims – State the aim as: “This paper presents a discussion of …”.
• Background
• Data Sources (state inclusion dates of literature or data used)
• Discussion
• Implications for chronic condition and Primary Care
• Conclusion
The summary statement
The summary statement format must include 120 -270 words and address the following headings:
• What is already known about this topic
• What this paper adds
• Implications for practice and/or policy
Under each heading, there should be 2- 3 bullet points. Each bullet point should be concise, with between 20 and 30 words in each and ending with a full stop.
Each bullet point should stand alone as a meaningful statement (i.e. not needing to rely on preceding statements) and be written in proper sentences. All bullet points should be derived from the content of the paper and be supported by the evidence presented in the paper.
The summary statement should not contain abbreviations (except for a few that are self-explanatory and universally understood, e.g. HIV/AIDS). No references should be included. Colloquial terms and local details should not be included, and nor should the paper´s country of origin (unless that is essential, pertinent information). Instead the statements should be framed globally.
Statements under the 3rd heading are necessarily prescriptive, therefore using words such as ‘should’, but they must be based on evidence that is presented in the paper.
A maximum of 10 possible keywords are: Primary Care, Disease management, Policy.
This assessment item needs to be considered inline with the requirements of the next assessment item 4, the written manuscript.
Note: For a general overview of the Australian Journal of Primary Health Journal and example papers please see:
For further information with examples of summary statements please see:
Part 2. Practice and Innovation Manuscript
Word limits: 2,500
This manuscript should address contemporary practice and models of care for a chronic and complex condition of your choice. The content of the manuscript should represent an extension of knowledge on addressing management of the chronic and complex condition that is relevant to the international health care community.
Include a short review of the literature on the chosen condition and identify the impact on the individual and the international relevance. Choose a contemporary chronic disease management model that addresses the social determinants of health and health promotion and describe how it might be used to improve health outcomes for your target group within the Primary Care setting. A case study may be useful to illustrate your discussion.
This manuscript should not exceed 2500 words for the main text, including quotations but excluding the abstract, summary statement, tables and references.
The main text (2,500 words) of your manuscript should include the following headings:
1. Introduction
• Provide an introductory discussion on the chronic disease and practice innovation of your choice
2. Context
• Provide a logical explanation of the condition in the context of existing national and international primary health care knowledge, determinants of health, health promotion, impact, current theory and models of care, including E and M technologies.
3. Data Sources
• Identify your bibliographic and database search plan. Include dates of the literature searched, keywords used, languages included and any inclusion or exclusion parameters that you applied to your search strategy
4. Review of literature
• Present a critique of your literature search and critical analysis of your findings with relevance to the chronic disease practice and innovation. Use cases to highlight your analysis and findings
5. What can be learnt?
• Following review of the literature you are required to apply critical thinking to develop an evidenced-based argument, draw conclusions, make inferences and identify implications for future management of the condition or model of care
6. Conclusion
• Do not summarise or repeat the findings. You should briefly explain the relevance of your paper for future clinical practice, research, education or further policy development.
7. References
Note: The above guidelines have been extracted and adapted from the Australian Journal of Primary Health website at:
For a general overview of this Journal please see:
What is a Practice and Innovation paper? Practice and Innovation papers build on existing knowledge and may be about learning from practice. In the Journal context this requires clarity about the problem addressed, the context in which the practice is located, and how particular projects or practices in this case a model of care add to our knowledge of ways to solve or ameliorate the problem. They may be about exploring evidence-based practice. This may mean either that practices emerge from relevant research or evaluation, or it may mean exploration of evidence to practice processes and actions in their own right.
Walter et al. (2003) * describe a taxonomy of interventions reported in the literature on evidence-based policy and practice. In the taxonomy there are six categories of activity: professional, financial, organisational, patient-oriented, structural and regulatory interventions. Some interventions are about publicising research with potential users, and others are about promoting uptake of research findings by users. Some promote findings of particular research projects, others promote user engagement with researchers and accumulated bodies of knowledge, while yet others promote practices that required the acquisition of knowledge. For a more detailed discussion of these issues see the editorial in the November 2007 issue of the Australian Journal of Primary Health.