Discharge transfer-the disposition of an inpatient to another health care institution at the time of discharge. Census Assignment
Discharge transfer-the disposition of an inpatient to another health care institution at the time of discharge.
Census Assignment
In this assignment you will learn to calculate a monthly census report for a health care organization.Use the Census Data Assignment Instructions to complete the monthly census report in the Excel file provided to you. Here is a key for the abbreviations in the spreadsheet file:
A/C means adults and children
Nb means newborns
Trf In means transfers in
Trf Out means transfers out
b means births
Census Data Assignment:
Read and understand the inpatient census data pg 426-430 of the Statistic chapter (LaTour chapter 15).
Understand the following:
-Hospital Inpatients-a hospital patient who is provided with room, board, and continuous general nursing service in an area of the hospital where patients generally stay at least overnight.
-Hospital Newborn-a hospital patient who was born in the hospital at the beginning of the current inpatient hospitalization (normal or with some kind of pathologic condition).
Geographic Organization of the Facility:
Inpatient beds-accommodations with supporting services for inpatients excluding those for newborn nursery.
Newborn bassinets-accommodations with supporting services for newborn (possibly bassinets, cribs, incubators, isolettes in a regular nursery or NB-ICU).
Medical care units-an assemblage of inpatient beds (or newborn accommodations) and related facilities and assigned personnel in which medical services are provided to a defined and limited class of patients according to their particular medical care needs.
Special care unit-a medical care unit in which there is appropriate equipment and a concentration of physicians, nurses, and others who have special skills and experience to provide optimal medical care for critically ill patients, or continuous care of patients in special diagnostic categories (ICU, CCU, NB-ICU).
Labor and delivery-a special unit in which there is appropriate equipment and a concentration of physicians, nurses, and others who have special skills and experience to provide services related to the labor and delivery of maternity patients.
Operating room-an area of a hospital equipped and staffed to provide facilities and personnel services for the performance of surgical procedures but not considered a unit or counted for inpatient census.