The Impact of Nursing Shortage
The Impact of Nursing Shortage
The Impact of Nursing Shortage
The Impact of Nursing Shortage Healthcare is one of the fundamental sectors as far as any society is concerned. Nurses and the entire nursing discipline facilitate the provision of quality healthcare. Outpatient wound care is one of the elements of healthcare, and since most of these cases are outpatient, most governments and stakeholders have worked hard in ensuring that quality services are provided. Shortage in the nursing department is a common phenomenon in most parts of the world. A shortage occurs when the demand for nurses in different health institutions is higher than the numbers of available qualified nurses. Such a shortage, inevitably, affects most of us in one way or another, since accidents characterize most of the daily activities. The accidents in the workplace, in homes, and on the roads are an implication of how important outpatient wound care is to society. The few nurses in most hospitals are forced to work under pressure due to the increased number of patients, and having experienced the effects of this shortage first hand, I can attest that it is important to improve the nurse to-patient ratio. Minor injuries could pose a lot of danger to a persons health due to delayed medical attention, which could be caused by long queues in health facilities. The article points out the different genuine myths about nursing shortage, but also highlights the undesirable effects of understaffed health facilities as far as patient care is concerned. The article also highlights the possible causes of the shortage of nurses in different countries, where migration from source country is highly likely to cause shortages there. The quality of healthcare is dependent on the ability of the nurses department to deliver quality outpatient services. References Goulette, C. Nursing (Job) Shortage. New Grads are finding the Job Hunt Tough. Advance for Nurses. Issue January 18, 2010. Christiane Wiskow, Tit Albreht, and Carlo de Pietro.How to create an attractive and supportive working environment for health professionals Health Systems and Policy Analysis.