Why is it happening, eg. as a consequence of a change in government, popular dissatisfaction, (perceived) unsustainable cost increases or an international requirement, and what are the objectives;
Why is it happening, eg. as a consequence of a change in government, popular dissatisfaction, (perceived) unsustainable cost increases or an international requirement, and what are the objectives;
a health policy that is currently being in the legislature
in the state of Connecticut.
2. Research what is happening in terms of policies, reforms, regulation of health
systems in your state.
a) Check your States’ legislative website e-g- CT https://www.cgact-gov/, NY
0 Find CT state legislators that represent your district at http://uwc.211ct-org/how-to-
find-your-elected-state-and-federal-representatives/ ; what health care legislation (e-g-
bills) are they supporting or not?
in Search for health care bills in the house and senate. Sign up for CT bill tracking at
b) Go to ANA website htth/wwwnursingworldorg/ explore the information under the
policy and advocacy tab; what health policies are they supporting or not? Check
what’s going on in your state.
c) Go to the AANP website https://www.aanp.org/index-php explore the information
under the Legislation/Regulation tab; what health policies are they supporting or not?
Check what’s going on in your state-
4) From your research identify one health policy (or bill) currently being discussed in
your state legislature that is of interest to your dyad; and state your position and
persuasive argument supporting your position.
5) Research the health policy and the associated issues.
a) Where are the ideas for this policy coming from, i.e. are they ” imported ” fromanother country or are they developed within our country and state? How innovative
are they in comparison to what is happening in other states or countries?
b) ls research evidence being used to inform the policy? If yes, summarize; if not, why
c) Why is it happening, eg. as a consequence of a change in government, popular
dissatisfaction, (perceived) unsustainable cost increases or an international
requirement, and what are the objectives;
d) Who are the actors involved (both governmental as well as non-governmental
including scientists, the media and the public), what are their roles, their opinions and
their strength in the decision and implementation process;
e) What are the intended and, especially, unintended effects of this policy on the health
system in terms of access, appropriateness, costs, effectiveness, quality, patient
experience and equity etc.; and last but not least
n What is their final consequences in terms of health outcomes, financial protection
and responsiveness to the population’s legitimate expectations, eg. a performance
assessment of reforms and health systems?
6) Identify what stage the policy is in (agenda setting, design, implementation, etc.).
7) Determine in which committee the issue is currently residing and assess if it is the
right committee for this issue to reside-
8) Determine what and where the resistance is, research the resistance, and propose a
solution or counterargument to the resistance-
10) Follow APA for formatting and scholarly writing.
Identify one health policy (or bill) currently being discussed in your state legislature and Identify one health policy (or bill) currently being discussed in your
state legislature and
state your position and persuasive argument supporting your position-
Evidence of sufficient research on the health policy and associated issues
Correctly identify stage the policy is in.
Correctly identify the committee the policy is in and if it is appropriate or not and
rationales to support answers.
Determine what and where the resistance is, and propose a solution or persuasive
counterargument to the resistance
Follows APA format for scholany writing and references; clear and concise writing; no
grammatical errors or spelling mistakes.