Write a paper explaining why my dream job is to become a Health Care Administrator working in a hospital and why is it important to work in a hospital.
Write a paper explaining why my dream job is to become a Health Care Administrator working in a hospital and why is it important to work in a hospital.
The essay will need to be 2 pages in length. You can go over two pages but it is not required. You will need to use in-text citations and a reference page using APA citation format. If you do not use APA citation formatting you will receive zero points for this assignment. Your paper should be formatted as follows: • Name – in upper right hand corner • Date – in upper right hand corner • Title of Paper in the center of page • Introduction (do not use sub heading) • Create three subheadings that are left justified and bold • Conclusion subheading that is left justified and bold • Page numbers in the upper right hand corner of page 1. Write a paper explaining why my dream job is to become a Health Care Administrator working in a hospital and why is it important to work in a hospital. 2. You must use at least three in paper citations/references in the paper. PROPERLY CITE THEM! Review the following articles and view the TED Talk: 1. UNC Chapel Hill Writing Center Staff https://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/evaluating-print-sources/ 2. “How to Choose a Career That’s Best for You” Tim Tyrell-Smith https://money.usnews.com/money/blogs/outside-voices-careers/2010/12/06/how-to-choose-a-career-thats-best-for-you 3. “How to Find and do Work You Love” (TED Talk) Scott Dinsmore https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpe-LKn-4gM