Leadership Reflective Paper
Leadership Reflective Paper
1. Reflective Activity
For this assignment, you will revisit your Learning Discovery Plans that you completed in each module and reflect on your personal beliefs, and insights related to your personal/professional and nursing leadership/management development. This assignment accounts for 15% of your course grade and is limited to 4-5 pages (excluding title page and reference page). Address all criteria in the assignment found in the Module Notes and rubric.
Personal awareness of one’s leadership/management style is essential to successfully influence others to achieve quality outcomes for patients and support healthy work environments.
Revisit your Learner Discovery Plan and reflect upon your personal beliefs and insights related to nursing leadership/management. Then, please provide the following:
Most Transformative Lesson
• Using course concepts and terminology, describe the most transformative lesson you gained from this course.
• Explain how you will apply this lesson to your current practice, providing at least two examples.
• Give details on how you will determine if you successfully applied this lesson to your leadership/management practice.
Highly-Developed Leadership/Management Characteristic or Skill
• Using course concepts and terminology, describe a leadership/management characteristic or skill that you believe you have highly developed.
• Provide two pieces of evidence of this characteristic/skill and/or examples of how you currently utilize this characteristic or skill when leading/managing teams.
To-Be-Developed Leadership/Management Characteristic or Skill
• Using course concepts and terminology, describe a leadership/management characteristic or skill that you believe you need to further develop.
• Formulate a strategy for developing this characteristic or skill, and describe your strategy.
• Explain how you will determine if you have significantly improved.
Leadership/Management Impact
• Illustrate how your leadership/management style currently influences or will influence the healthcare practice environment and people where you work.
• Specify at least two ways in which you impact or will impact others (e.g., team/individual behavior or affect, organizational outcomes, patient outcomes) as leader.