Wellness paper
Wellness paper
A community clinic is an organization that is concerned with the welfare of human beings. An organization helps the community to improve their health through providing physical, mental and social well-being of individuals. A community clinic provides primary health-care services, immunizations, well and sick-care, counseling services on various diseases like HIV aids, mental illness, education on diabetes and family planning counseling. In addition, it helps the uninsured population to make access to the high quality health care services through a volunteer network services. Patients are treated, tested and then referred to big hospitals for further testing and treatment incase of any need that may arise.
What are the goals of the organization?
The goals of the organization are to emphasize on prevention, education services, early intervention and rehabilitation programs. In addition, it directs care since it is part of the health care sector. First, in emphasizing on prevention, they provide immunizations programs especially when an outbreak of diseases occurs in order to curb the disease before it spreads. Secondly, educations services include HIV aids and counseling, family planning education to expectant mothers in order to help them maintain their well-being and good health. Lastly, rehabilitation programs include a long-term effort that reflects on implementation and empowerment programs through re-establishing other health facilities to marginalized areas.
How the nursing process could be utilized in the organization
Nursing process could be utilized in the organization through delivering health care to patients that are produced by nursing ideas and models. Nursing process involves a great framework for nursing care that is centered on problems solving and accomplishing the organizational goals. The procedure ends as long as the work is accomplished and the underlying goals are met. The nursing process could be utilized anywhere where the nurses encounters the problems especially patients who needs care. According to evaluation of nurses, care changes in nursing care could be achieved through implementations and nursing research processes. Nevertheless, the process centers on the health insurance of the patients and physical needs and the process seeks to find solutions on emotion and social needs. The nursing process involves achieving goals, care for patients, collaboration and systematic procures though following specific methods which includes,
Assessment process, this is involved in nursing process in order to achieve better delivery of services through data analyzing of patients in a dynamic and orderly way. The nursing processes in the assessment stage can be employed through collecting significant information such as psychological, social-cultural or psychological information. Therefore, nurses can use this data to analyze the situation of the patient regarding on their sickness. The assessment process involves description of the disease, physical causes and symptom of pain. The nurse can eventually compare the patient’s response to environmental circumstances such laziness, positive family relationships and pain medication request (Blash, Dower, Chapman, University of California and San Francisco, 2011).
Diagnosis process is the clinical judgment by nurses on potential condition of the patients together with the care that patients require. It is a planning basis for the care provision and it reflects the possible root cause of the disease thus gives suggestions for the care to be provided. Another method is planning process (Blash, 2011 et al). The nursing process involves panning of short-term and long-term goals that involves planning of nutrition, medications and counseling programs. In addition, implementation process can be done basing on the care planning thus making care changes through implementation. Lastly, evaluation of the whole process could be included that involves patient’s status and the care that nurses could provide the patients.
How would you implement the goals, future directions, and long-term focus of the organization?
One can implement the goals, future directions and long-term focus of the organization through defining a strategic vision. Implementing a vision in a health organization is crucial because it will help nurses to achieve the future and long-term goals. The vision can act, as a guiding tool for achieving the implemented goals. Within the vision, there must be a mission statement within a clear meaning. Vision can help in describing a set of ideas and priorities and they can give a clear picture of the future of an organization. The right vision can direct the organization from the current situation thus focuses on the future situation. It is from the present that an organization can be able to achieve long-term goals.
In addition, the primary reason for developing a vision is to direct the employees, share holders and human resource managers in the health care towards achieving organizational goals. Implementing goals with a clear vision can enable nurses to maintain ethical conduct and create essential values for shareholders on along-term basis. This can be through building a solid foundation on specific future achievements of an organization. A good vision should be realistic, convincing, and attractive and should aim to meet the future goals. It should recognize the present position of the organization and integrate all the areas where action is required into a comprehensive decision-making.
Discuss the problems and what your solution is
The increasing problem that people encounters everyday includes poor health and poor services at the community clinics level. The frequent hospital admissions and acuity medical stipulation to patients is quite alarming and this is contributed to poor service provision in the primary care level. The patients living in the poor areas have few emergency rooms and few health care providers. In addition, there is lack of care stability because some of the patients’ especially expectant mothers utilize traditional clinics. This is because of the poor health outcomes and inadequate facilities at the primary health care level (Noffsinger, 2009).
The solution is through redesigning of the health care delivery system and better management of chronic diseases. Another solution is to increase emergency rooms and employ many health care providers in the community clinics. Improve on health delivery systems and promote better access and continuity of care provision. This can help solve the problem of health disparities and thus lead to enhanced self-management of patients. There should be formation of team that consists of the community members, nurses and human resources in order to handle problems that patients encounter.
Discuss the aspects of the organization demonstrates Doretha Orens Nursing Theory and Nightingale approach to holistic nursing process
Doretha Orens’ nursing theory states that nurses are required to provide care when the patients cannot be able to provide themselves the required care through measuring the patients’ deficit to self-care necessities. Organizations should demonstrate Orens’ model of nursing in the nursing process and the model is particularly used in community clinics where the patients are urged to be independent. According to Doretha, patients should provide care for themselves because they can recover more quickly and nurses should allow them to take care of themselves if they have the ability to do so. The model emphasizes self-care obligations and nurses are advised to rate the self-care deficits of the patients in a chronological scale (Barrett, Wilson and Woollands, 2009).
Nightingale’s approach emphasizes that care and proper environmental resources in nursing field should be utilized well. She emphasizes that nursing practices are crucial than medicinal practices because if the nurse cannot diagnose, it means that she cannot provide a good care (Barrett, 2009 et al). In her model, she advocates that the patients should be placed at the center of the nursing process from a realistic viewpoint. In addition, patient’s recognitions such as signs, state and injury creates a holistic approach to the general care. According to Nightingale’s approach, one of the essential values is that nurse should recognize their roles in clinical practice and advance their nursing research.
Barrett, D., Wilson, B., & Woollands, A. (2009). Care planning: A guide for nurses. Harlow,
England: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Blash, L., Dower, C., Chapman, S., & University of California, San Francisco. (2011).
University of Utah Community Clinics – medical assistant terms enhance patient-centered, physician-efficient care. Research brief (Center for the Health Professions). San Francisco: Center for the Health Professions.
Noffsinger, E. B. (2009). Running group visits in your practice. New York, NY: Springer.