COUN 5840 Intro to Telemental Health Counseling

Answered step-by-step
Asked by MajorElkPerson782

COUN 5840 Intro to Telemental Health Counseling

Chapter 1: Evaluation and Treatment in Telebehavioral Health


Reference: Maheu, M., Drude, K., Merrill, C, Callan, J. Hilty, D. (2020). Telebehavioral health: Foundations in theory & practice for graduate learners, (1st edition). Cognella


Module 2

  • Establish a crisis protocol for addressing mental health crises in a virtual mental health setting.
  • Draft a detailed ‘policy” that communicates how you will address crises that present with future clients.
  • Include how you will address suicidal/homicidal clients, child/adult abuse and neglect, and other issues of imminent threat/danger.

The following link provides an example of crisis protocol elements however, they are not definitive: Just in case the link does not work, I added the document below.

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Image transcription text

An official website of the United States government TELEHEALTH. HHS.GOV Best
practice guide Telehealth for behavioral health care Preparing patients for telebehavioral
health Creating an emergency plan for telebehavioral health Providing telebe… 
Screenshot (131).png

Image transcription text

. A plan if the telehealth visit is disconnected during an emergency. Discuss with the
patient what to do if there is a problem with the audio or video connection. A first step
could be reconnecting by phone or using just the audio and not video functio… 


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