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Battista et al. The endocannabinoid system: an overview various clinical trials, the best known CB, blocker SR141617A, (Ahn et al., 2011). It is noteworthy that FAAH inhibitors, because also called rimonabant (and commercially known as Acompliaof their own pharmacological properties, are attractive reme- was released on the worldwide market as anti-obesity drug, but dial also for cannabis dependence; in fact, they do not appear only few months later it was withdrawn because of increased rates to evoke tolerance following long-term administration, and they of depression, anxiety, and suicide among patients who received it do not display significant abuse liability (Clapper et al., 2009). (Christopoulou and Kiortsis, 2011). In addition, further concerns Table 2 reports some agonists, antagonists, and/or inhibitors of were raised considering the possible side effects of this weight ECS designed for the treatment of several pathological conditions. loss pill on the reproductive functions and human infertility (Bari et al., 2011). CONCLUSION Alternative strategies to treat pain syndromes, such as neu- Almost 20 years after the identification of AEA, all members of ropathic pain, fibromyalgia, but also spontaneous abortion, ECS are nowadays considered intriguing targets for the devel- headache, psychiatric disorders, and neurodegenerative diseases, opment of selective and specific compounds able to modulate are based on the enhacement of the eCB tone, through the inhi- human pathophysiology. A deeper and more detailed under- bition of eCBs-hydrolyzing enzymes (Lichtman and Chapman, standing of proteins involved in eCBs metabolism and signal- 2001). The most promising FAAH inhibitor seems to be URB597 transduction pathways could help to design compounds that (also named KDS-4103), which has biochemical and behavioral might prolong the activity of eCBs in a time- and site-dependent effects during both sub-acute and chronic treatments. In rodents, way, excluding undesired psychotropic effects, and to develop once-daily dosing of URB597 for five weeks elicits antidepress transgenic mice, where different ECS elements can be knocked sant effects in chronically stressed animals, without altering CB1 down or knocked in, allowing innovative therapeutic strategies in receptor mRNA levels (Bortolato et al., 2007). Pfizer and Vernalis a vast panorama of pathologies. pharmaceutical companies focused on FAAH as main target to design and develop new molecules (PF-04457845 and V158866, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS respectively), that are being tested in clinical studies as potential This work was partly supported by Fondazione TERCAS therapies for a range of pain disorders, including osteoarthritis (2009-2012 project to Mauro Maccarrone). REFERENCES Beinfeld, M. C., and Connolly, K. F. (2011). Endocannabinoid sys- Dinh, T. P., Freund, T. F., and Piomelli, Ahn, K., Smith, S. E., Liimatta, M. (2001). Activation of CBI cannabi- tem in cardiovascular disorders – D. (2002). A role for monoglyceride B., Beidler, D., Sadagopan, N., noid receptors in rat hippocam- new pharmacotherapeutic opportu lipase in 2-arachidonoylglycerol Dudley, D. T., Young, T., Wren, P., pal slices inhibits potassium-evoked nities. J. Pharm. Bioallied. Sci. 3, inactivation. Chem. Phys. 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