The following output was used to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention designed to decrease generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms.

Asked by HighnessGalaxy4241

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Tests of Within-Subjects Effects Measure: MEASURE_1 Type Ill Sum Partial Eth Source of Square Ligan Square Sig Squared Time
Sphericity Assumed 84,467 42 233 17.897 Greenhouse-Geisser 84.467 1.963 43 023 17.897 302 Huynh-Fold 84.467 2.000 42
230 17.897 .302 Lower-bound 84.487 1.080 84 467 17.897 302 Error(Time) Sphericity Assumed 136.867 2 360 Gree… 

The following output was used to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention designed to decrease generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) symptoms.  Ratings of GAD symptoms were made on a 0-10 scale, with higher scores indicating more symptoms.  Ratings were made at the start of the study (Intake), end of the study (Discharge), and at a 1-year follow-up (Follow-up); thus the independent variable in this case is Time.

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