Instructions:   Search the web for a topic For example, Vitamin C…

Instructions:   Search the web for a topic For example, Vitamin C…

Answered step-by-step
Asked by BarristerStrawBuffalo3244



  • Search the web for a topic For example, Vitamin C and the common cold.
  • Use complete sentences when answering the questions below, please E-X-P-A-N-D on your answers.


  1. Who developed the website (organization?)


  1. Check the last date the information was updated if available.


  1. Are the statements in the article supported by research or other statistics, or are they general in nature? Give specific examples


  1. Does the article support, add to or disagree with information covered in the text or class? If it has not been covered yet, look it up in the text


  1. Does the article present information that is controversial? If so, do you agree or disagree?


  1. Why is the site giving you this information? Is the site providing a public service or selling a product? Is money the prime motivation? Is the information biased?


  1. Comment of the value of the article, either to you personally, your family or your career preparation.


  1. Other comments, for example, comment on the reliability of the source. Is this a reliable source of information and would you recommend this website to someone else?


  1. Attach the internet article with your typed answers to the questions

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