Why is the diastolic pressure measured when the blood pressure…

1) Why is the diastolic pressure measured when the blood pressure…

Answered step-by-step
Solved by verified expert
University of Manitoba



Answered step-by-step
Asked by MasterHareMaster900


Why is the diastolic pressure measured when the blood pressure cuff is below the diastolic pressure, and the blood flow is continuous. Since it is continuous what allows us to distinguish between systolic and diastolic, considering in continuous blood flow for it to continue there has to be systolic contraction followed by diastolic contraction.


When ADH hormone is used it makes water permeable to the membrane. However, that leads to water leaving the distal nephron region and going into the kidney tissues. If osmosis occurs, how come the tissues are more concentrated than the blood? When the volume of blood is lower and has a higher osmolarity I would think that the water would stay in the renal tubule.

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