11 VIC Discussion – Dancer
Discuss any or all of the following:
LinkedIn Learning:
Comics: Not Just for Laughs
and/or the file Psycho Shower Scene Storyboard. – Attached
You must post one original thread in order to enter the forum. Write: (1) what you already knew, which was reinforced in this module’s presentations, (2) what you learned for the first time during this module’s presentations, and (3) what parts of this module are you most unclear about. Minimum word length for initial posts: 300 words.
Afterward, read at least three classmates’ postings and reply to at least two of them, trying to answer your classmates’ questions about what was unclear to them. Minimum word length for replies: 100 words.
In other words, observe the 3-2-1 rule: read at least 3, reply to at least 2, and contribute at least 1 initial post (but more are encouraged). No partial credit—all or nothing points.