Nursing Reflective Essay on Ethics Committee


Reflective Critique Method

As a part of our course, we should engage with six ethics committee. I have attended six ethics committee which has profoundly changed my experience in Teesside University. This reflective essay will use Gibbs reflective cycle (1988) and explain some of my experience in the ethics committee and how I managed in certain situation. I am concentrating on particular aspect participant information sheet.

The incident occurred during my first ethics committee which I was due to delivery about my topic participant information sheet. I felt so miserable during at the time, this was my first experience to attend in this session so I have no much knowledge about research topics and terminologies .I thought that participant information sheet means it includes only the participant information and we should write about all details about participant details. My task was to speak about participant information sheet, looking at how this important for researcher what are the criteria should be included in information sheet .When I started to speak about my topic I become so tensed and I am not able to convey my ideas to other members. I stumbled with my first sentence so I could not able to complete my presentation .I felt shy and ashamed about my ability to speak to other members, but I felt so sad towards me and trying not to cry. When the class was finished immediately I left the class room and did not speak to anyone. I realized that have no confidence to speak in front of my colleagues and tutors about my subject. Totally I attended six ethics committee, when I was attended last committee my knowledge level increased and got a clear picture about my topic and now I knew as a researcher this information sheet is very essential to conduct their study and without information sheet can not conduct a research. Now I feel more confidence to speak and I can stick my opinion.

When I attended ethics committee, I had both good and bad experience. While I am a member of ethics committee, helped me to learn some new ideas and analyzed and interpret each and every matter we discuss in the committee .Before I joining ethics committee I am always feel shy and introverted in social life, but once I actively joined with the ethics committee I become more extroverted and learned how to express my ideas according to my goals. It is clearly evidence in social participitation theory (Srivastava, Angelo, and Vallereux 2008) and helped me to how introverted person can be extroverted or social being. Then started referred different book, journals and even learn to browse internet to get a suitable point and skills to make me more confidence and accurate .The bad experience about committee, even if I prepared well with best of my knowledge, even then also while discussing with others they night have different ideas or views that make me confused weather my points were right or wrong .Hence I still I have confusion in terms in philosophical paradigm and hypothesis.

The situation was made good in my own research proposal and helped me to increase my knowledge about my dissertation topic. Knowledge and experience can make the researcher could perform more accurate and successful.(Verburg &Andriessen,2011) To me as a learner this knowledge is essential for my research proposal and can prepare a good project. When I started to attended the first committee I thought in research’ Participant information sheet ‘is not much important role just we should invite the participants to take part in our research study .But now recognized without information sheet the research proposal is invalid and all information regarding the participant details will be handled in confidence. I can make a good research which I collected from information sheet. I got all sort of different necessary information from each sheet and I am confident that I can design a better quality research proposal as a part of my research.

Each and every participant, who became a member in the research team, should have the aware about their rights and also very important to ensure their safety and dignity. There are six ethical principles can use to protect their participants from harm (ICN, 2003).However there are three rights for every researcher who actively involve in research: privacy, safety and dignity. It is important to keep the confidentiality which we get through participant information sheet. As a researcher every one must keep the anonymity without revealing their names. It’s a protocol to keep the patient details recorded in appropriate manner and it should be separated in different file with proper label and it must be in their cupboard or cabinet which is only accessible to authorized person. It is very essential to respect and keep the dignity for each and every person. While conducting any research, it’s necessary to explain about the purpose and reason for conducting particular research to every participant

In retrospect, I am planning to do many things in different way. I have been more confidence and should be more proactive myself. I have discussed to the ethics committee members as soon as finishing the committee and I can contribute my opinion. However I learned from the incident is I should be more courage and I have to maintain a good relation with our supervisor in the coming weeks, so that I could do in a best way in committee.

In future, I would ensure I will be more confident about research proposal either in qualitive or quanitive, especially in my particular aspect ‘information sheet. I am studying alongside with different teachers during my course, and I will speak about my nervous. I have already personal tutors and I have communication with her, and she helped me a lot to achieve my goal and how to present very well in future, so that I do not feel so nervous. I also want to share with my colleagues about my feelings and I think it will help to study from them.

For training purpose I focused to attend in seminar when they were conducting in Teesside University and I want to achieve more confidence and this is the good method to improve my presentation skill.

This reflective essay enhanced my level of thinking, knowledge and understanding its importance, had improved with use of reflective model .My competence level has also developed especially the ability to do my presentation in best way to begin.


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  4. Knowledge sharing, Personality Traits and diversity. Available at: http//

  5. Reserach ethics policy: Participiant safety and wellbeing. Available at: http: //


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