Name ARUSH Reason for Referral/Presenting Complaint/Diagnosis:…
Name ARUSH Reason for Referral/Presenting Complaint/Diagnosis:…
Name | ARUSH | ||
Reason for Referral/Presenting Complaint/Diagnosis: | WEIGHT LOSS | ||
Age: | 24 | Height: | 5’8 |
Weight: | 185 | BMI: | 28.1 |
Food/Nutrition-Related History | |||
Number of servings:
8oz-eq starches, 3 veg, 2 fruit, 3 milk, 6.5oz meats, 7 fats, and 362 other Cho. Energy intake 3,312.5 kcalories. Protein intake 115 grams/day or 13.8 % of kcalories Total fat intake ~ 121.5 grams/day of total fat or 33.0% of kcalories from fat. Carbohydrate intake 1,133 grams/day or 34.2 % of kcalories. Micronutrients of concern: vitamin C, A and complex B; Calcium, Iron and Potassium Physical Activity: 0 min of moderate or vigorous activity per (day, week) Other physical activity concerns: walking outside to take the bus and walking to the classroom |
Anthropometric Measures | Client History | ||
Recommended BMI 18.5 – – – 24.9 kg/m2
IBW 150.8 | % IBW 122.52 UBW 150 | % UBW 123.33 Recent wt changes: 35 lbs in the past 6(months or year). Weight Status: Overweight. Arush’s current weight is 185 lbs, which is 35 lbs above his usual weight of 150 lbs. This significant weight gain is a concern.
Knowledge, Beliefs, and Attitudes | Medications/Supplements | ||
Arush believes in the benefits of both Ayurvedic and Western medicine. He follows a daily routine that includes prayer and meditation. Does not consume alcohol or smoke. | No medications / Supplement: Ginseng, Echinacea, Gingko, and Aloe Vera. | ||
Standards (Recommendations) | |||
Energy Needs: (9.99 x Weight [83.91]) + (6.25 x Height [172.72]) – (4.92 x 24) + 5 = 1804.57.
Protein Needs: 102 to 178.81 grams Food Group Needs: using 1,800 kcal recommendation: fruits 1.5 cups, vegetables 2.5 cups, grains 6oz-eq, meat and beans 5oz-eq, milk 3 cups, oil 5tsp and discretionary calorie allowance <195.
AMDR for Carbohydrate: 229.9 to 332.09 g per day AMDR for Fat: 45 to 79 g per day Physical Activity Recommendations: Arush should be encouraged to incorporate more physical activity into his daily routine, as he currently has limited physical activity approximately 150 minutes. |