Task: Before you begin this activity, please read pages 342-343 A…
Task: Before you begin this activity, please read pages 342-343 A…
Answered step-by-step
Asked by GeneralBisonPerson831
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Task: Before you begin this activity, please read pages 342-343 A Consumer’s Guide to Fad Diets in our textbook. 1 have also included the link for a quick You’l’ube video “How to Spot a Fad Diet (4:33) Use the information about fad diets and the knowledge you have learned so far this semester and evaluate a weight loss programlbook’s effectiveness and safety. 1. Describe the food program promoted by the publication or organization. Is the program flexible enough to allow people with different food choice preferences and lifestyles to use it successfully? Is it adaptable and easy to follow? Does it provide variety? Does the program provide for weight maintenance after the goal weight is achieved? Describe how the plan works. Does it require substantial registration fees, mandatory purchase of various items or foods, attendance at a minimum number of meetings? Evaluate whether the plan offers a nutritionally sound way to lose weight. What characteristics make it sound or unsound? Describe any “case histories” that yo